UnboundID Server SDK

UnboundID Server SDK Documentation


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 * You can obtain a copy of the license at
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package com.unboundid.directory.sdk.examples;

import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.api.TokenStore;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.config.TokenStoreConfig;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.types.AccessToken;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.types.AuthorizationCode;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.types.IdentityBrokerContext;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.types.OAuthException;
import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.broker.types.RefreshToken;
import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException;
import com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

 * This example provides an in-memory implementation of a TokenStore that
 * generates UUID valued code and token values and uses them as keys for storage
 * in a HashMap. Note however that all {@link TokenStore} implementations must
 * store their tokens and authorization codes in persistent storage that is
 * accessible to all Identity Broker instances.
public class ExampleTokenStore extends TokenStore
  private volatile TokenStoreConfig config;

  private IdentityBrokerContext serverContext;

  private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, AuthorizationCode> authzCodeMap =
      new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AuthorizationCode>();

  private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, AccessToken> accessTokenMap =
      new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AccessToken>();

  private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, AccessToken> refreshTokenMap =
      new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AccessToken>();

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public String getExtensionName()
    return "Example Token Store";

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public String[] getExtensionDescription()
    return new String[]
      "This implementation serves as an in-memory exapmle implementation " +
      "that may be used to demonstrate the process for creating a " +
      "third-party Token Store extension. It will store codes and " +
      "tokens in a HashMap and generate UUID values. Note however that " +
      "realistic implementations must store their tokens and " +
      "authorization codes in persistent storage that is accessible to " +
      "all Identity Broker instances."

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void initializeTokenStore(final IdentityBrokerContext serverContext,
                                   final TokenStoreConfig config,
                                   final ArgumentParser parser)
      throws LDAPException
    this.serverContext = serverContext;
    this.config        = config;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void finalizeTokenStore()

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public AuthorizationCode consumeAuthorizationCode(final String codeValue)
      throws OAuthException
    return authzCodeMap.remove(codeValue);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void storeAuthorizationCode(final AuthorizationCode authorizationCode)
      throws OAuthException
    //First go through and remove any existing AuthorizationCodes for the same
    //application and username.
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String,AuthorizationCode>> iter =
            authzCodeMap.entrySet ().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext())
      Map.Entry<String,AuthorizationCode> entry = iter.next();
      AuthorizationCode c = entry.getValue();
      if (c.getApplicationId().equals(authorizationCode.getApplicationId())
              && c.getUsername().equals(authorizationCode.getUsername()))

    String value = authorizationCode.getValue();
    if(value == null)
      value = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    authzCodeMap.put(value, authorizationCode);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void storeAccessToken(final AccessToken accessToken)
      throws OAuthException
    //First go through and remove any existing AccessTokens and RefreshTokens
    //for the same application and username.
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, AccessToken>> iter =
      Map.Entry<String, AccessToken> entry = iter.next();
      AccessToken t = entry.getValue();
      if(t.getApplicationId().equals(accessToken.getApplicationId()) &&
         ( (t.getUsername() == null && accessToken.getUsername() == null) ||
           (t.getUsername() != null &&
            t.getUsername().equals(accessToken.getUsername())) ))

    String accessValue = accessToken.getValue();
    if(accessValue == null)
      accessValue = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    accessTokenMap.put(accessValue, accessToken);

    if(accessToken.getRefreshToken() != null)
      RefreshToken refreshToken = accessToken.getRefreshToken();
      String refreshValue = refreshToken.getValue();
      if(refreshValue == null)
        refreshValue = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
      refreshTokenMap.put(refreshValue, accessToken);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public AccessToken getAccessToken(final String tokenValue)
      throws OAuthException
    return accessTokenMap.get(tokenValue);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public AccessToken getAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(final String tokenValue)
      throws OAuthException
    return refreshTokenMap.get(tokenValue);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public Collection<AccessToken> getAccessTokensByUser(final String username)
      throws OAuthException
    // This is very inefficient for real world use. Implementations should
    // make this more efficient by using a database index on username for
    // instance.
    Set<AccessToken> tokens = new LinkedHashSet<AccessToken>();
    for(AccessToken accessToken : accessTokenMap.values())
      if((accessToken.getUsername() != null &&
          accessToken.getUsername().equals(username)) ||
          (accessToken.getUsername() == null && username == null))
    return tokens;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public AccessToken revokeToken(final String tokenValue) throws OAuthException
    AccessToken accessToken = accessTokenMap.remove(tokenValue);
    if(accessToken != null)
      RefreshToken refreshToken = accessToken.getRefreshToken();
      if(refreshToken != null)
      accessToken = refreshTokenMap.remove(tokenValue);
      if(accessToken != null)
    return accessToken;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void toString(final StringBuilder buffer)