001    /*
003     *
004     * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
005     * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
006     * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
007     * with the License.
008     *
009     * You can obtain a copy of the license at
010     * docs/licenses/cddl.txt
011     * or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php.
012     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
013     * and limitations under the License.
014     *
015     * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
016     * file and include the License file at
017     * docs/licenses/cddl.txt.  If applicable,
018     * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
019     * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
020     *      Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
021     *
023     *
024     *
025     *      Copyright 2011-2012 UnboundID Corp.
026     */
027    package com.unboundid.directory.sdk.http.api;
031    import java.util.Collections;
032    import java.util.List;
033    import java.util.Map;
035    import javax.servlet.Filter;
036    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
038    import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.internal.ExampleUsageProvider;
039    import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.internal.Reconfigurable;
040    import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.internal.UnboundIDExtension;
041    import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.ds.internal.DirectoryServerExtension;
042    import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.http.config.HTTPServletExtensionConfig;
043    import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.http.types.HTTPServerContext;
044    import com.unboundid.directory.sdk.proxy.internal.DirectoryProxyServerExtension;
045    import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException;
046    import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ResultCode;
047    import com.unboundid.util.Extensible;
048    import com.unboundid.util.ThreadSafety;
049    import com.unboundid.util.ThreadSafetyLevel;
050    import com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentException;
051    import com.unboundid.util.args.ArgumentParser;
055    /**
056     * This class defines an API that must be implemented by extensions which create
057     * servlets for use with an HTTP connection handler.
058     * <BR>
059     * <H2>Configuring HTTP Servlet Extensions</H2>
060     * In order to configure an HTTP servlet extension created using this API, use a
061     * command like:
062     * <PRE>
063     *      dsconfig create-http-servlet-extension \
064     *           --extension-name "<I>{extension-name}</I>" \
065     *           --type third-party \
066     *           --set enabled:true \
067     *           --set "extension-class:<I>{class-name}</I>" \
068     *           --set "extension-argument:<I>{name=value}</I>"
069     * </PRE>
070     * where "<I>{extension-name}</I>" is the name to use for the HTTP servlet
071     * extension instance, "<I>{class-name}</I>" is the fully-qualified name of the
072     * Java class that extends
073     * {@code com.unboundid.directory.sdk.ds.api.HTTPServletExtension},
074     * and "<I>{name=value}</I>" represents name-value pairs for any arguments to
075     * provide to the HTTP servlet extension.  If multiple arguments should be
076     * provided to the HTTP servlet extension, then the
077     * "<CODE>--set extension-argument:<I>{name=value}</I></CODE>" option should be
078     * provided multiple times.
079     *
080     * @see  com.unboundid.directory.sdk.http.scripting.ScriptedHTTPServletExtension
081     */
082    @Extensible()
083    @DirectoryServerExtension()
084    @DirectoryProxyServerExtension(appliesToLocalContent=true,
085         appliesToRemoteContent=true)
086    @ThreadSafety(level=ThreadSafetyLevel.INTERFACE_THREADSAFE)
087    public abstract class HTTPServletExtension
088           implements UnboundIDExtension,
089                      Reconfigurable<HTTPServletExtensionConfig>,
090                      ExampleUsageProvider
091    {
092      /**
093       * Creates a new instance of this HTTP servlet extension.  All HTTP servlet
094       * extension implementations must include a default constructor, but any
095       * initialization should generally be done in the
096       * {@code createServlet} method.
097       */
098      public HTTPServletExtension()
099      {
100        // No implementation is required.
101      }
105      /**
106       * {@inheritDoc}
107       */
108      public abstract String getExtensionName();
112      /**
113       * {@inheritDoc}
114       */
115      public abstract String[] getExtensionDescription();
119      /**
120       * {@inheritDoc}
121       */
122      public void defineConfigArguments(final ArgumentParser parser)
123             throws ArgumentException
124      {
125        // No arguments will be allowed by default.
126      }
130      /**
131       * {@inheritDoc}
132       */
133      public boolean isConfigurationAcceptable(
134                          final HTTPServletExtensionConfig config,
135                          final ArgumentParser parser,
136                          final List<String> unacceptableReasons)
137      {
138        // No extended validation will be performed by default.
139        return true;
140      }
144      /**
145       * {@inheritDoc}
146       */
147      public ResultCode applyConfiguration(final HTTPServletExtensionConfig config,
148                                           final ArgumentParser parser,
149                                           final List<String> adminActionsRequired,
150                                           final List<String> messages)
151      {
152        // By default, no configuration changes will be applied.  If there are any
153        // arguments, then add an admin action message indicating that the extension
154        // needs to be restarted for any changes to take effect.
155        if (! parser.getNamedArguments().isEmpty())
156        {
157          adminActionsRequired.add(
158               "No configuration change has actually been applied.  The new " +
159                    "configuration will not take effect until this HTTP servlet " +
160                    "extension is disabled and re-enabled or until the server is " +
161                    "restarted.");
162        }
164        return ResultCode.SUCCESS;
165      }
169      /**
170       * {@inheritDoc}
171       */
172      public Map<List<String>,String> getExamplesArgumentSets()
173      {
174        return Collections.emptyMap();
175      }
179      /**
180       * Creates an HTTP servlet extension using the provided information.
181       *
182       * @param  serverContext  A handle to the server context for the server in
183       *                        which this extension is running.
184       * @param  config         The general configuration for this HTTP servlet
185       *                        extension.
186       * @param  parser         The argument parser which has been initialized from
187       *                        the configuration for this HTTP servlet extension.
188       *
189       * @return  The HTTP servlet that has been created.
190       *
191       * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem is encountered while attempting to
192       *                         create the HTTP servlet.
193       */
194      public abstract HttpServlet createServlet(
195                  final HTTPServerContext serverContext,
196                  final HTTPServletExtensionConfig config,
197                  final ArgumentParser parser)
198             throws LDAPException;
202      /**
203       * Retrieves a list of the request paths for which the associated servlet
204       * should be invoked.  This method will be called after the
205       * {@link #createServlet} method has been used to create the servlet instance.
206       *
207       * @return  A list of the request paths for which the associated servlet
208       *          should be invoked.
209       */
210      public abstract List<String> getServletPaths();
214      /**
215       * Retrieves a map of initialization parameters that should be provided to the
216       * servlet when it is initialized.
217       *
218       * @return  A map of initialization parameters that should be provided to the
219       *          servlet when it is initialized, or an empty map if no
220       *          initialization parameters are needed.
221       */
222      public Map<String,String> getServletInitParameters()
223      {
224        return Collections.emptyMap();
225      }
229      /**
230       * Retrieves the order in which the servlet should be started.  A value
231       * greater than or equal to zero guarantees that the servlet will be started
232       * as soon as the servlet engine has been started, in order of ascending
233       * servlet init order values, before the {@code doPostRegistrationProcessing}
234       * method has been called.  If the value is less than zero, the servlet may
235       * not be started until a request is received for one of its registered paths.
236       *
237       * @return  The order in which the servlet should be started, or a negative
238       *          value if startup order does not matter.
239       */
240      public int getServletInitOrder()
241      {
242        return -1;
243      }
247      /**
248       * Retrieves a list of servlet filter instances that should be installed with
249       * the created servlet instance, in the order they should be invoked.  If the
250       * servlet is to be registered with multiple paths, then these filters will be
251       * installed for all of those paths.
252       *
253       * @return  A list of servlet filter instances that should be installed with
254       *          the created servlet instance, in the order that they should be
255       *          invoked.  It may be {@code null} or empty if no servlet filters
256       *          should be installed.
257       */
258      public List<Filter> getServletFilters()
259      {
260        return Collections.emptyList();
261      }
265      /**
266       * Performs any processing that may be needed after the servlet has been
267       * registered with the servlet engine.  If the value returned from
268       * {@link #getServletInitOrder()} is greater than or equal to zero, then the
269       * servlet will have been started before this method is called.  If the value
270       * returned from {@code getServletInitOrder()} is negative, then the servlet
271       * may or may not have been started by the time this method is called.
272       * <BR><BR>
273       * Note that the associated servlet can also perform any necessary
274       * initialization processing in the {@code init} method provided by the
275       * servlet API.
276       */
277      public void doPostRegistrationProcessing()
278      {
279        // No implementation required by default.
280      }
284      /**
285       * Performs any processing that may be needed after the servlet has been
286       * taken out of service and the associated servlet engine has been shut down.
287       * <BR><BR>
288       * Note that the associated servlet can also perform any necessary
289       * finalization processing in the {@code destroy} method provided by the
290       * servlet API.  That method will be called after the servlet has been taken
291       * out of service, but before the servlet engine has been shut down.
292       */
293      public void doPostShutdownProcessing()
294      {
295        // No implementation required by default.
296      }
297    }