001    /*
003     *
004     * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
005     * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
006     * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
007     * with the License.
008     *
009     * You can obtain a copy of the license at
010     * docs/licenses/cddl.txt
011     * or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php.
012     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
013     * and limitations under the License.
014     *
015     * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
016     * file and include the License file at
017     * docs/licenses/cddl.txt.  If applicable,
018     * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed
019     * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
020     *      Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
021     *
023     *
024     *
025     *      Copyright 2010-2012 UnboundID Corp.
026     */
027    package com.unboundid.directory.sdk.common.types;
031    import java.net.InetAddress;
032    import java.util.List;
034    import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.LDAPException;
035    import com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.ResultCode;
036    import com.unboundid.util.NotExtensible;
037    import com.unboundid.util.ThreadSafety;
038    import com.unboundid.util.ThreadSafetyLevel;
042    /**
043     * This interface defines a set of methods that may be used to obtain
044     * information about a client connection that has been established to the
045     * server.
046     */
047    @NotExtensible()
048    @ThreadSafety(level=ThreadSafetyLevel.INTERFACE_NOT_THREADSAFE)
049    public interface ClientContext
050    {
051      /**
052       * Retrieves the identifier that has been assigned to the associated client
053       * connection.
054       *
055       * @return  The identifier that has been assigned to the associated client
056       *          connection.
057       */
058      long getConnectionID();
062      /**
063       * Returns a {@code List} containing the names of all the Connection
064       * Criteria that match this connection. These are the configuration names
065       * (e.g. the RDNs, not the full DNs) of the Connection Criteria.
066       *
067       * @return a list of connection criteria names.
068       */
069      List<String> getMatchedConnectionCriteria();
073      /**
074       * Determines whether this {@code ClientContext} matches the given Connection
075       * Criteria.
076       *
077       * @param criteriaName the name (not the DN) of the Connection Criteria to
078       *                     check against.
079       * @return true if this {@code ClientContext} matches the specified
080       *         Connection Criteria, false otherwise.
081       */
082      boolean matchesConnectionCriteria(final String criteriaName);
086      /**
087       * Indicates whether this represents an internal client connection.
088       *
089       * @return  {@code true} if this represents an internal client connection, or
090       *          {@code false} if it is from an external client.
091       */
092      boolean isInternal();
096      /**
097       * Retrieves an internal connection that is authenticated as a root user
098       * that is not subject to access control.  It may optionally use the client
099       * connection policy from the associated client connection.
100       *
101       * @param  usePolicyFromConnection  If {@code true}, the internal connection
102       *                                  will use the same client connection policy
103       *                                  as the associated client connection.  If
104       *                                  {@code false}, the internal connection
105       *                                  will use the server's default client
106       *                                  connection policy for internal
107       *                                  connections.
108       *
109       * @return  An internal connection that is authenticated as a root user.
110       */
111      InternalConnection getInternalRootConnection(
112                              final boolean usePolicyFromConnection);
116      /**
117       * Retrieves an internal connection that is authenticated as the same user
118       * as the associated client connection.  It may optionally use the client
119       * connection policy from the associated client connection.
120       *
121       * @param  usePolicyFromConnection  If {@code true}, the internal connection
122       *                                  will use the same client connection policy
123       *                                  as the associated client connection.  If
124       *                                  {@code false}, the internal connection
125       *                                  will use the server's default client
126       *                                  connection policy for internal
127       *                                  connections.
128       *
129       * @return  An internal connection that is authenticated as the same user as
130       *          the associated client connection.
131       *
132       * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem occurs while attempting to obtain or
133       *                         authenticate the connection.
134       */
135      InternalConnection getInternalUserConnection(
136                              final boolean usePolicyFromConnection)
137           throws LDAPException;
141      /**
142       * Retrieves an internal connection that is authenticated as the specified
143       * user.  Operations on the connection may be subject to access control based
144       * on the privileges associated with the specified user.  It may optionally
145       * use the client connection policy from the associated client connection.
146       *
147       * @param  dn                       The DN of the user as whom the connection
148       *                                  should be authenticated.  It may be
149       *                                  {@code null} or empty if the connection
150       *                                  should be unauthenticated.
151       * @param  usePolicyFromConnection  If {@code true}, the internal connection
152       *                                  will use the same client connection policy
153       *                                  as the associated client connection.  If
154       *                                  {@code false}, the internal connection
155       *                                  will use the server's default client
156       *                                  connection policy for internal
157       *                                  connections.
158       *
159       * @return  An internal connection that is authenticated as the specified
160       *          user.
161       *
162       * @throws  LDAPException  If a problem occurs while attempting to
163       *                         authenticate as the specified user.
164       */
165      InternalConnection getInternalConnection(final String dn,
166                              final boolean usePolicyFromConnection)
167           throws LDAPException;
171      /**
172       * Indicates whether the client is communicating with the server in a secure
173       * manner.
174       *
175       * @return  {@code true} if the client is communicating with the server in a
176       *          secure manner, or {@code false} if not.
177       */
178      boolean isSecure();
182      /**
183       * Retrieves the name of the protocol that the client is using to communicate
184       * with the server.
185       *
186       * @return  The name of the protocol that the client is using to communicate
187       *          with the server.
188       */
189      String getProtocol();
193      /**
194       * Retrieves the time that the connection was established.  The value returned
195       * will be an offset in milliseconds since 12:00 a.m. on January 1, 1970.
196       *
197       * @return  The time that the connection was established.
198       */
199      long getConnectTime();
203      /**
204       * Retrieves an {@code InetAddress} representing the address of the client
205       * system, if available.
206       *
207       * @return  An {@code InetAddress} representing the address of the client
208       *          system, or {@code null} if that is not available or applicable for
209       *          the associated client connection.
210       */
211      InetAddress getClientInetAddress();
215      /**
216       * Retrieves an {@code InetAddress} representing the address on the server to
217       * which the client established the connection, if available.
218       *
219       * @return  The address on the server to which the client established the
220       *          connection, or {@code null} if that is not available or
221       *          applicable.
222       */
223      InetAddress getServerInetAddress();
227      /**
228       * Indicates whether the client has authenticated to the server.
229       *
230       * @return  {@code true} if the client has authenticated to the server, or
231       *          {@code false} if not.
232       */
233      boolean isAuthenticated();
237      /**
238       * Retrieves information about the authentication state of the client
239       * connection.
240       *
241       * @return  Information about the authentication state of the client
242       *          connection.
243       */
244      AuthInfo getAuthInfo();
248      /**
249       * Attempts to send an unsolicited notification to the client with the
250       * provided information.
251       *
252       * @param  oid         The OID for the unsolicited notification.  It must not
253       *                     be {@code null}.
254       * @param  resultCode  The result code to use for the unsolicited
255       *                     notification.  It must not be {@code null}.
256       * @param  message     A message to include in the unsolicited notification.
257       *                     It may be {@code null} if no message is needed.
258       */
259      void sendUnsolicitedNotification(final String oid,
260                                       final ResultCode resultCode,
261                                       final String message);
265      /**
266       * Terminates the connection to the client and interrupts any operations that
267       * may be in progress on that connection.
268       *
269       * @param  reason        A general reason that the connection was closed.
270       * @param  notifyClient  Indicates whether to attempt to send a notice of
271       *                       disconnection to the client.
272       * @param  message       A message with information about the reason for the
273       *                       disconnect.  It may be {@code null} if none is
274       *                       available.  It is generally recommended that a
275       *                       message be provided even if the client should not be
276       *                       notified, since the message may be used in other
277       *                       ways (e.g., in log messages).
278       */
279      void disconnect(final DisconnectReason reason, final boolean notifyClient,
280                      final String message);
284      /**
285       * Retrieves information about the server with which the client connection is
286       * associated.
287       *
288       * @return  Information about the server with which the client connection is
289       *          associated.
290       */
291      ServerContext getServerContext();
295      /**
296       * Retrieves a string representation of the client connection.
297       *
298       * @return  A string representation of the client connection.
299       */
300      String toString();
301    }