Interface UpdatableSASLBindRequest

    • Method Detail

      • setSASLCredentials

        void setSASLCredentials​(java.lang.String saslMechanism,
                                ASN1OctetString saslCredentials)
        Specifies the SASL credentials for the bind request, if any.
        saslMechanism - The name of the SASL mechanism to use. It must not be null.
        saslCredentials - The SASL credentials for the bind request. It may be null if no credentials should be used.
      • convertToSimpleBindRequest

        UpdatableSimpleBindRequest convertToSimpleBindRequest​(DN dn,
                                                              ByteString password)
        Converts this SASL bind request to a simple bind request. After invoking this method, the caller should not make any further attempt to access this SASL bind request object, but should only interact with the UpdatableSimpleBindRequest object that is returned.
        dn - The DN to use for the simple bind request. It must not be null but may be empty for anonymous simple authentication (in which case the password must also be empty).
        password - The password to use for the simple bind request. It must not be null but may be empty for anonymous simple authentication (in which case the DN must also be empty).
        The UpdatableSimpleBindRequest that was created and will be used for the operation going forward.