Interface UpdatableBindResult

    • Method Detail

      • setServerSASLCredentials

        void setServerSASLCredentials​(ASN1OctetString serverSASLCredentials)
        Specifies the server SASL credentials for the bind result, if any.
        serverSASLCredentials - The server SASL credentials for the bind result. It may be null if there are none.
      • setResultData

        void setResultData​(LDAPResult result)
        Sets the contents of this result with information from the provided LDAP result, including the result code, diagnostic message, matched DN, referral URLs, and controls. If the provided result is also an instance of an LDAP SDK BindResult, then the server SASL credentials will also be updated.
        Specified by:
        setResultData in interface UpdatableGenericResult
        result - The result to use to update this result. It must not be null.