
Description Examples Subcommands Arguments


Generate, compare, install, and replace server profiles.

Server profiles define a format for the configuration of a server, including dsconfig, initial DIT, setup arguments, server SDK extensions, and other files. These are combined into one concrete structure. This tool provides subcommands that can be used to generate a new profile from an existing server, to set up a new server, and to replace an existing server's profile with a different profile.

A template server profile file structure can be found in the resource/ directory.


Generate a server profile from the local server, placing the resulting profile in the /path/to/profile directory:

manage-profile generate-profile --profileRoot /path/to/profile

Generate a server profile from the local server, placing the resulting profile in the /path/to/profile directory. Always copies any files under config/encryption-settings/ in the server root to the generated profile's server-root/pre-setup directory:

manage-profile generate-profile --profileRoot /path/to/profile \
     --includePath config/encryption-settings/

Generate a zipped server profile from the local server, placing the resulting profile in the /path/to/ archive:

manage-profile generate-profile --profileRoot /path/to/ --zip

Sets up and configures a server using a server profile. Variables in the profile are substituted using variables defined in the profile.variables file:

manage-profile setup --profile /path/to/profile \
     --profileVariablesFile /path/to/profile.variables

Sets up and configures a server using a server profile, without starting the server:

manage-profile setup --profile /path/to/profile --doNotStart

Replaces the profile at the existing server using the specified profile. Variables in the profile are substituted using variables defined in the profile.variables file:

manage-profile replace-profile --serverRoot /path/to/existing/server \
     --profile /path/to/profile \
     --profileVariablesFile /path/to/profile.variables

Replaces the profile at the existing server using the specified profile. The existing server will be temporarily moved to the provided directory while the tool is running:

manage-profile replace-profile --serverRoot /path/to/existing/server \
     --profile /path/to/profile --tempServerDirectory /path/to/temporary


generate-profile replace-profile setup


Generate a profile from a configured server

Generate a profile based on the current configuration of the local server. The generated profile should be manually edited as necessary

generate-profile Examples

Generate a server profile from the local server, placing the resulting profile in the /path/to/profile directory:

manage-profile generate-profile --profileRoot /path/to/profile

Generate a server profile from the local server, placing the resulting profile in the /path/to/profile directory. Always copies any files under config/encryption-settings/ in the server root to the generated profile's server-root/pre-setup directory:

manage-profile generate-profile --profileRoot /path/to/profile \
     --includePath config/encryption-settings/

Generate a zipped server profile from the local server, placing the resulting profile in the /path/to/ archive:

manage-profile generate-profile --profileRoot /path/to/ --zip

generate-profile Arguments

-p {profileRootDirectory}
--profileRoot {profileRootDirectory}

Description Path indicating where the generated profile contents should be placed. When writing to a zip archive, this argument must refer to a file that does not already exist. When writing to a directory rather than a zip archive, if the directory already exists, it must be empty. If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created if possible
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-i {relativePath}
--includePath {relativePath}

Description Specifies a relative path in the server root that should always be included in the generated profile. This argument can be used to include files in the generated profile that would normally be excluded, such as pin files or encryption settings files. Any files under the specified path will be included in the generated profile
Required No
Multi-Valued Yes


Description Package the generated profile as a zip archive


Description Do not include a setup-arguments.txt file in the generated server profile


Replace an existing server's profile with another profile

Uses the configuration defined in a provided server profile to make changes to an existing server's configuration

replace-profile Examples

Replaces the profile at the existing server using the specified profile. Variables in the profile are substituted using variables defined in the profile.variables file:

manage-profile replace-profile --serverRoot /path/to/existing/server \
     --profile /path/to/profile \
     --profileVariablesFile /path/to/profile.variables

Replaces the profile at the existing server using the specified profile. The existing server will be temporarily moved to the provided directory while the tool is running:

manage-profile replace-profile --serverRoot /path/to/existing/server \
     --profile /path/to/profile --tempServerDirectory /path/to/temporary

replace-profile Arguments

-R {serverRootDirectory}
--serverRoot {serverRootDirectory}

Description Path to the installation root of the existing server to have its profile replaced
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

--tempServerDirectory {tempDirectory}

Description Path to a directory where the existing server should be placed temporarily. The temporary server will be deleted after the tool has finished running
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Do not rollback the server if startup errors occur when the final server is being validated

--licenseKeyFile {file}

Description License key file to use when replacing the server profile. This argument is necessary only when a major version update is performed. Otherwise, the license can be included in the server profile
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Execute the complete replace-profile process, regardless of what has changed between profiles

-p {profileRootDirectory}
--profile {profileRootDirectory}

Description Path to a server profile
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-v {profileVariablesFile}
--profileVariablesFile {profileVariablesFile}

Description Path to a variables file containing variables to be substituted in a server profile
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Do not perform any substitution of variable values on the profile used by this tool

--tempProfileDirectory {tempDirectory}

Description Path to a directory where the temporary profile created by the manage-profile tool should be placed. The temporary profile will be deleted after the tool has finished running
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Use environment variable values when substituting variables in the server profile


Description Skip the validation step at the end of the replace-profile process. This will speed up the replace-profile process when run on an offline server, but will prevent the tool from being able to rollback to the previous profile if an error occurs when starting the server


Description Use SSL for secure communication with the server


Description Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server


Description Use no security when communicating with the server

-h {host}
--hostname {host}

Description Fully qualified host name or IP address of the local Directory Server
Default Value localhost
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--port {port}

Description Directory Server port number
Default Value 389
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-D {bindDN}
--bindDN {bindDN}

Description DN used to bind to the server
Default Value cn=Directory Manager
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-w {bindPassword}
--bindPassword {bindPassword}

Description Password used to bind to the server
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-j {bindPasswordFile}
--bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Description Bind password file
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-o {name=value}
--saslOption {name=value}

Description SASL bind options
Required No
Multi-Valued Yes


Description Trust all server SSL certificates

-P {truststorePath}
--trustStorePath {truststorePath}

Description Certificate truststore path
Default Value /home/rocky/workspace/Core-Release-Pipeline/build/package/PingDirectory/config/truststore
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-T {truststorePassword}
--trustStorePassword {truststorePassword}

Description Certificate truststore PIN
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-U {path}
--trustStorePasswordFile {path}

Description Certificate truststore PIN file
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--trustStoreFormat {trustStoreFormat}

Description Certificate truststore format
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-K {keystorePath}
--keyStorePath {keystorePath}

Description Certificate keystore path
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-W {keystorePassword}
--keyStorePassword {keystorePassword}

Description Certificate keystore PIN
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-u {keystorePasswordFile}
--keyStorePasswordFile {keystorePasswordFile}

Description Certificate keystore PIN file
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--keyStoreFormat {keyStoreFormat}

Description Certificate keystore format
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-N {nickname}
--certNickname {nickname}

Description Nickname of the certificate for SSL client authentication
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Set up and configure a new server using a server profile

Uses the configuration defined in a provided server profile to set up and configure a new server instance

setup Examples

Sets up and configures a server using a server profile. Variables in the profile are substituted using variables defined in the profile.variables file:

manage-profile setup --profile /path/to/profile \
     --profileVariablesFile /path/to/profile.variables

Sets up and configures a server using a server profile, without starting the server:

manage-profile setup --profile /path/to/profile --doNotStart

setup Arguments

-p {profileRootDirectory}
--profile {profileRootDirectory}

Description Path to a server profile
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-v {profileVariablesFile}
--profileVariablesFile {profileVariablesFile}

Description Path to a variables file containing variables to be substituted in a server profile
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Do not perform any substitution of variable values on the profile used by this tool

--tempProfileDirectory {tempDirectory}

Description Path to a directory where the temporary profile created by the manage-profile tool should be placed. The temporary profile will be deleted after the tool has finished running
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Use environment variable values when substituting variables in the server profile


Description Do not start the server when the configuration is completed

-R {rejectFile}
--rejectFile {rejectFile}

Description Write entries rejected while importing LDIF data to the specified file
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Add values to entries for missing RDN attribute values rather than rejecting them when importing LDIF data

--licenseKeyFile {file}

Description License key file to use when setting up the server. This argument is not necessary if a license is included in the server profile
Required No
Multi-Valued No



Description Display Directory Server version information


Description Display general usage information


Description Display help for using debug options
Advanced Yes


Description Display all subcommands


Description Run the tool in quiet mode. Quiet mode will not output progress information to standard output


Description Use verbose mode