
Description Examples Arguments


Encode user passwords with a specified storage scheme or determine whether a given clear-text value matches a provided encoded password.


List the available password storage schemes for use with the userPassword syntax:

encode-password --listSchemes

List the available password storage schemes for use with the authPassword syntax:

encode-password --listSchemes --authPasswordSyntax

Encode the password 'admin123' using the SSHA scheme:

encode-password --clearPassword admin123 --storageScheme SSHA

Determine whether the provided password encoded using an authPassword storage scheme matches the clear-text password 'admin123':

encode-password --clearPassword admin123 \
     --encodedPassword 'SHA1$wnzPMUryHrQ=$Rb2fEUDeItz4cI3GN/FcZm+UQ4U=' \



Description Display Directory Server version information


Description Display general usage information


Description Display help for using debug options
Advanced Yes


Description List available password storage schemes

-c {clearPW}
--clearPassword {clearPW}

Description Clear-text password to encode or to compare against an encoded password
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-f {file}
--clearPasswordFile {file}

Description Clear-text password file
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-e {encodedPW}
--encodedPassword {encodedPW}

Description Encoded password to compare against the clear-text password
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-E {file}
--encodedPasswordFile {file}

Description Encoded password file
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-s {scheme}
--storageScheme {scheme}

Description Scheme to use for the encoded password
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Use the authentication password syntax rather than the user password syntax


Description Use the LDAP compare result as an exit code for the password comparison