Generate and deliver a one-time password to a user through some out-of-band mechanism. That password can then be used to authenticate via the UNBOUNDID-DELIVERED-OTP SASL mechanism.
Generate and deliver a one-time password to the user with DN 'uid=test.user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com' via the default mechanisms configured in the server.
deliver-one-time-password --hostname --port 389 \ --bindDN uid=test.user,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com --bindPassword password \ --messageSubject "Your one-time password" \ --fullTextBeforeOTP "Your one-time password is '" --fullTextAfterOTP "'." \ --compactTextBeforeOTP "Your OTP is '" --compactTextAfterOTP "'."
Generate and deliver a one-time password to the user with username 'test.user' via SMS if possible, or e-mail as a second choice.
deliver-one-time-password --hostname --port 389 \ --userName test.user --bindPassword password --deliveryMechanism SMS \ --deliveryMechanism E-Mail --messageSubject "Your one-time password" \ --fullTextBeforeOTP "Your one-time password is '" --fullTextAfterOTP "'." \ --compactTextBeforeOTP "Your OTP is '" --compactTextAfterOTP "'."For examples and help with LDAP options see LDAP Option Help. For help with SASL authentication, see SASL Option Help
Description | Display Directory Server version information |
Description | Display general usage information |
Description | Display help for using LDAP options |
Description | Display help for using SASL options |
Description | Display help for using debug options |
Advanced | Yes |
-h {host}
--hostname {host}
Description | The IP address or resolvable name to use to connect to the directory server. If this is not provided, then a default value of 'localhost' will be used. |
Default Value | localhost |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
-p {port}
--port {port}
Description | The port to use to connect to the directory server. If this is not provided, then a default value of 389 will be used. |
Default Value | 389 |
Required | Yes |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Use SSL when communicating with the directory server. |
Description | Use StartTLS when communicating with the directory server. |
Description | Use the JVM's default trust store, the server's default trust store, the server's topology registry, and optionally an additional trust store specified using the --trustStorePath argument to non-interactively determine whether to trust any certificate chain presented during TLS negotiation. If the chain cannot be trusted based on any of those sources, then negotiation will fail without prompting about whether to trust it. |
Description | Trust any certificate presented by the directory server. |
-K {path}
--keyStorePath {path}
Description | The path to the file to use as the key store for obtaining client certificates when communicating securely with the directory server. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-W {password}
--keyStorePassword {password}
Description | The password to use to access the key store contents. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-u {path}
--keyStorePasswordFile {path}
Description | The path to the file containing the password to use to access the key store contents. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Indicates that the tool should interactively prompt the user for the password to use to access the key store contents. |
--keyStoreFormat {format}
Description | The format (e.g., JKS, PKCS12, PKCS11, BCFKS, etc.) for the key store file. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-P {path}
--trustStorePath {path}
Description | The path to the file to use as trust store when determining whether to trust a certificate presented by the directory server. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-T {password}
--trustStorePassword {password}
Description | The password to use to access the trust store contents. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-U {path}
--trustStorePasswordFile {path}
Description | The path to the file containing the password to use to access the trust store contents. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Indicates that the tool should interactively prompt the user for the password to use to access the trust store contents. |
--trustStoreFormat {format}
Description | The format (e.g., JKS, PKCS12, PKCS11, BCFKS, etc.) for the trust store file. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Indicates that the tool should verify that the hostname or IP addressed used to establish connections ot the LDAP server matches an address for which the server's TLS certificate was issued. |
-N {nickname}
--certNickname {nickname}
Description | The nickname (alias) of the client certificate in the key store to present to the directory server for SSL client authentication. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Enable Java's low-level support for debugging SSL/TLS communication. This is equivalent to setting the '' property to 'all'. |
-D {dn}
--bindDN {dn}
Description | The DN for the user to whom the one-time password should be delivered. Either the bind DN or username must be provided. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-n {username}
--userName {username}
Description | The username for the user to whom the one-time password should be delivered. Either the bind DN or username must be provided. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-w {password}
--bindPassword {password}
Description | The static password for the user to whom the one-time password should be delivered. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-j {path}
--bindPasswordFile {path}
Description | The path to a file containing the static password for the user to whom the one-time password should be delivered. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Indicates that the tool should interactively prompt the user for the bind password. |
-m {name}
--deliveryMechanism {name}
Description | The name of the mechanism that should be used to deliver the one-time password to the user. If multiple values are specified (using multiple instances of this argument) then they will be tried in the order in which they are given until one of them is able to deliver the one-time password. If this is not specified, then the server configuration will dictate which delivery mechanisms should be attempted. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
-s {subject}
--messageSubject {subject}
Description | The subject to use for the message containing the one-time password. This will be ignored for delivery mechanisms that do not require a subject. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-f {text}
--fullTextBeforeOTP {text}
Description | The text to include immediately before the one-time password in the message delivered to the end user via a mechanism that does not impose a significant constraint on message size. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-F {text}
--fullTextAfterOTP {text}
Description | The text to include immediately after the one-time password in the message delivered to the end user via a mechanism that does not impose a significant constraint on message size. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-c {text}
--compactTextBeforeOTP {text}
Description | The text to include immediately before the one-time password in the message delivered to the end user via a mechanism that imposes a significant constraint on message size. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
-C {text}
--compactTextAfterOTP {text}
Description | The text to include immediately after the one-time password in the message delivered to the end user via a mechanism that imposes a significant constraint on message size. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Launch the tool in interactive mode. |
--outputFile {path}
Description | Write all standard output and standard error messages to the specified file instead of to the console. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Indicates that the tool should append to the file specified by the --outputFile argument if it already exists. If this argument is not provided and the output file already exists, it will be overwritten. |
Description | Write all standard output and standard error messages to the console as well as to the specified output file. The --outputFile argument must also be provided. |
--propertiesFilePath {path}
Description | The path to a properties file used to specify default values for arguments not supplied on the command line. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
--generatePropertiesFile {path}
Description | Write an empty properties file that may be used to specify default values for arguments. |
Required | No |
Multi-Valued | No |
Description | Do not obtain any argument values from a properties file. |
Description | Suppress output listing the arguments obtained from a properties file. |