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Remove a server from this server's topology.

This tool will remove the specified server from the topology. In general, the uninstall tool should be used to remove a server from the topology. The remove-defunct-server tool should only be used if a prior attempt to uninstall a server was unsuccessful or the system where the server was installed is no longer available, leaving the server permanently inaccessible from the topology. If the defunct server is online and is able to reach other servers in the topology, running remove-defunct-server from it will cleanly remove it from the topology. If it cannot reach the other servers, then remove-defunct-server must also be run from one of the online servers.


Interactively choose a server to remove from the topology. The tool will prompt for credentials to an administrator user that is present on every server in the topology:

Remove a specific server from the topology by specifying its instance name. The bind DN and password must be that of an administrator user that is present on every server in the topology:
remove-defunct-server --serverInstanceName "Austin Directory Server 1" \
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword secret

Remove a specific server from the topology by specifying its instance name and a topology file. The topology file must contain the existing servers in the topology and may be obtained by running the manage-topology export command on an online topology host using the hostname/port options. Using this argument will cause the tool to be run over protocol on one of these existing servers. For example, remove-defunct-server may be run from the server that is replacing a defunct server to cleanly remove it from the topology before adding the replacement server into the topology. If this argument is not provided, remove-defunct-server will use the config.ldif file on the local server to determine the existing servers in the topology. Then, at the very least, it will remove references to the defunct server from the config.ldif file. In addition, if it is able to connect to an existing server, then it will also remove the defunct server from all servers in the topology. Otherwise, remove-defunct-server must be run from one of the existing servers. The bind DN and password must be that of an administrator user that is present on every server in the topology:
remove-defunct-server --serverInstanceName "Austin Directory Server 1" \
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword secret \
     --topologyFilePath topology.json

Remove a specific server from the topology by specifying its instance name while it is online with a retry timeout of 10 minutes. The bind DN and password must be that of an administrator user that is present on every server in the topology:
remove-defunct-server --serverInstanceName "Austin Directory Server 1" \
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword secret --ignoreOnline \
     --retryTimeoutSeconds 600



Description Display Directory Server version information


Description Display general usage information


Description Display help for using debug options
Advanced Yes

-D {bindDN}
--bindDN {bindDN}

Description The DN of an administrator user that is present on every server in the topology
Default Value cn=admin
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-w {bindPassword}
--bindPassword {bindPassword}

Description Password used to bind to the server
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--topologyFilePath {topologyFilePath}

Description The topology hosts file containing the list of hosts that are already in the topology. If specified, remove-defunct-server will be run sequentially on the hosts in the topology file to remove the defunct server from the topology. The servers in the hosts file are tried one by one, and when the defunct server is removed using one of them, then the remaining servers are skipped. This option can make deployment automation more fault-tolerant since it is not necessary for a specific server instance to be available. Instead, the command will succeed as long as a single instance in the topology is online. The LDAP bind options specified on the command-line will be used for each server in the hosts file. The hosts file may be obtained by running the manage-topology export command on an online topology host using the hostname/port options
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-j {bindPasswordFile}
--bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Description Bind password file
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--serverInstanceName {serverInstanceName}

Description The instance name of the server to remove
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, you will not be prompted and the tool will fail


Description Continue processing even if there are errors


Description Ignore that the server being removed is online. Generally, the remove-defunct-server tool should only be used to remove defunct or offline servers that are permanently unavailable. However, in cloud-native environments, where auto-scaling is an inherent feature of the platform, there may be a need to remove a server while it is still online. This flag is also useful in on-premise environments to remove a server from a topology without requiring to force a server as topology master, as long as the servers being removed are still accessible

--retryTimeoutSeconds {retryTimeoutSeconds}

Description If the command fails, then it will continue to be retried up to this timeout specified in seconds. The command will not be aborted if the timeout has expired mid-execution, so it will be executed at least once. A value of zero (which is the default if this argument is not provided) indicates that the command does not have a timeout and so will not be retried upon initial failure. Note that this option is especially helpful in automated deployments where internal retries may significantly improve the chance of the command succeeding
Lower Bound 0
Upper Bound 86400
Default Value 0
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Cleans up replication artifacts on the local server instance. It will remove replication information from the configuration files, and will also delete the replication changelog database. This argument may only be used while the server is offline