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Search the OID registry to retrieve information about items that match a given OID or name.

The string to use to search the OID registry should be provided as an unnamed trailing argument. All items in the OID registry will be examined, and any items that contain the provided string in its OID, name, type, origin, or URL will be matched. If no search string is provided, the entire OID registry will be displayed.


Display a list of all items in the OID registry.

Search the OID registry for items that contain the string '' in the OID, name, type, origin, or URL fields. Any matching items will be formatted as JSON objects.
oid-lookup --output-format json



Description Display Directory Server version information


Description Display general usage information


Description Display help for using debug options
Advanced Yes

--schema-path {path}

Description The path to a file or directory containing schema definitions to use to augment the default OID registry. If provided, the value may be the path to an LDIF file containing a subschema subentry, or it may be the path to a directory containing one or more schema files (in which case the files will be processed in lexicographic order by file name). This argument may be provided multiple times to provide multiple schema paths.
Required No
Multi-Valued Yes

--output-format {csv|json|multi-line|tab-delimited}

Description The format to use for the output. The value may be one of 'csv', 'json', 'multi-line', or 'tab-delimited'. If the output format is not specified, then the 'multi-line' format will be used by default.
Default Value multi-line
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Only return OID registry items that contain a string (the OID, name, type, origin, or URL) that exactly matches the provided search string (ignoring differences in capitalization). By default, the tool will use substring matching rather than exact matching.


Description Generate only the minimal amount of output with no additional comments.


Description Launch the tool in interactive mode.

--outputFile {path}

Description Write all standard output and standard error messages to the specified file instead of to the console.
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Indicates that the tool should append to the file specified by the --outputFile argument if it already exists. If this argument is not provided and the output file already exists, it will be overwritten.


Description Write all standard output and standard error messages to the console as well as to the specified output file. The --outputFile argument must also be provided.

--propertiesFilePath {path}

Description The path to a properties file used to specify default values for arguments not supplied on the command line.
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--generatePropertiesFile {path}

Description Write an empty properties file that may be used to specify default values for arguments.
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Do not obtain any argument values from a properties file.


Description Suppress output listing the arguments obtained from a properties file.