The Changelog Backend provides a Directory Server backend implementation that exposes an LDAP change log.
This backend may be used to discover recent changes that have been made to entries in this server. The change log conforms to the Changelog Internet draft specification. Some implementations of this specification are known as Retro Change Logs.
↓Parent Component
↓dsconfig Usage
The Changelog Backend component inherits from the Backend
The properties supported by this managed object are as follows:
Property Group | General Configuration |
Description | Specifies a name to identify the associated backend. The name must be unique among all backends in the server. The backend ID may not be altered after the backend is created in the server. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | A string |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | Yes |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | General Configuration |
Description | A description for this Backend |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | A string |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | General Configuration |
Description | Indicates whether the backend is enabled in the server. If a backend is not enabled, then its contents are not accessible when processing operations. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | true false |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | Yes |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | General Configuration |
Description | Specifies the base DN(s) for the data that the backend handles. A single backend may be responsible for one or more base DNs. Note that no two backends may have the same base DN although one backend may have a base DN that is below a base DN provided by another backend (similar to the use of sub-suffixes in the Sun Java System Directory Server). If any of the base DNs is subordinate to a base DN for another backend, then all base DNs for that backend must be subordinate to that same base DN. |
Default Value | cn=changelog |
Allowed Values | A valid DN. |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Admin Action Required | No administrative action is required by default although some action may be required on a per-backend basis before the new base DN may be used.
Although it is currently supported, the use of multiple base DNs per backend is not recommended and this capability may be removed in the future. If you are considering the use of multiple base DNs in a backend, you should first contact Ping Identity support to discuss this configuration |
Property Group | Database Configuration |
Description | Specifies the path to the filesystem directory that is used to hold the Berkeley DB Java Edition database files containing the data for this backend. The files for this backend are stored in a sub-directory named after the backend-id. The path may be either an absolute path or a path relative to the directory containing the base of the Directory Server installation. The path may be any valid directory path in which the server has appropriate permissions to read and write files and has sufficient space to hold the database contents. |
Default Value | db |
Allowed Values | A filesystem path |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | The Directory Server must be restarted for changes to this setting to take effect. Modification requires that the Directory Server be stopped, the database directory manually relocated, and then the Directory Server restarted. While the Directory Server is stopped, the directory and files pertaining to this backend in the old database directory must be manually moved or copied to the new location. |
Property Group | Database Configuration |
Description | Specifies the percentage of JVM memory to allocate to the changelog database cache. Specifies the percentage of memory available to the JVM that should be used for caching changelog database contents. |
Default Value | 1 |
Allowed Values | An integer value. Lower limit is 1. Upper limit is 90 . |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | The Directory Server must be restarted for changes to this setting to take effect. In order for this modification to take effect the server must be restarted |
Property Group | Changelog Entries To Include |
Description | Changes are guaranteed to be maintained in the changelog database for at least this duration. Setting target-database-size can allow additional changes to be maintained up to the configured size on disk. The changelog maximum age specifies the period after which the Directory Server purges changes from the database. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | A duration. Lower limit is 1 milliseconds. |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | Yes |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | Changelog Entries To Include |
Description | The changelog database is allowed to grow up to this size on disk even if changes are older than the configured changelog-maximum-age. Setting this value allows additional changes to be retained in the changelog beyond the maximum age up to the configured total size on disk. It is possible that the changelog database size on disk exceeds this configured value since changes are never purged before the configured changelog-maximum-age. To avoid exceeding the configured limit, the server will begin purging data when 95% of the configured limit is reached. If a backup of the changelog backend is performed as a task, then the size of the database on disk could theoretically exceed this limit since database cleaning cannot occur during the backup. In practice, this will not occur unless changelog-maximum-age and target-database-size are configured to very small values and/or the backup is throttled with the --maxMegabytesPerSecond option so that it takes an especially long time to complete. The server maintains a Gauge that will trigger an Alarm if the size on disk exceeds this limit. |
Default Value | Data is purged immediately after the maximum age is reached. |
Allowed Values | A positive integer representing a size. |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | Specifies which attribute types will be included in a changelog entry for ADD and MODIFY operations. This restricts the set of attributes whose changes are recorded in the 'changes' attribute of changelog entries. By default all attribute types are included in the changes for ADD and MODIFY operations, but if this property is specified, then only attributes in this list will be included. If no attributes in this list are included in an operation, then no changelog entry will be created. The special values "*" and "+" can be used to specify all user attributes or all operational attributes, respectively. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | The name or OID of an attribute to include in the changes. |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | Specifies a set of attribute types that should be excluded in a changelog entry for ADD and MODIFY operations. This restricts the set of attributes whose changes are recorded in the 'changes' attribute of changelog entries. By default all attribute types are included in changelog entries for ADD and MODIFY operations, but if this property is specified, then all attributes except the ones in this list will be included. The special values "*" and "+" can be used to specify all user attributes or all operational attributes, respectively. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | The name or OID of an attribute to exclude from the changes. |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | Specifies a set of attribute types that should be included in a changelog entry for DELETE operations. Attributes specified in this list will be recorded in the 'deletedEntryAttrs' attribute on the changelog entry when an entry is deleted. This attribute is not present by default. The special values "*" and "+" can be used to specify all user attributes or all operational attributes, respectively. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | The name or OID of an attribute to include in the changes. |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | Specifies a set of attribute types that should be excluded from a changelog entry for DELETE operations. This restricts the set of attributes whose changes are recorded in the changelog on DELETE operation. Attributes specified in this list will be excluded from the 'deletedEntryAttrs' attribute on changelog entries. By default all attribute types are included in 'deletedEntryAttrs' for DELETE operations if 'use-reversible-form' is set to true. The special values "*" and "+" can be used to specify all user attributes or all operational attributes, respectively. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | The name or OID of an attribute to exclude from the changes. |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | Specifies whether values of creatorsName, createTimestamp, modifiersName and modifyTimestamp attributes will be written to changelog entries. |
Default Value | true |
Allowed Values | true false |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | Specifies whether the changelog should provide enough information to be able to revert the changes if desired. If this property is set to true, the changelog entries are affected as follows: Each changelog entry of type 'DELETE' will include the contents of the deleted entry in 'deletedEntryAttrs'. For changelog entries of type 'MODIFY', the changes will only contain DELETE of the previous values and ADD of the new values (avoiding the use of REPLACE values and omitting those values that didn't change). Note that using this setting alone will not provide you with any previous values of an attribute that did not change. To capture these values, you can use the 'changelog-max-before-after-values' property. Furthermore, virtual attributes are not included in the reversible form of the changes; these values can be obtained from the before and after values if you have configured the 'include-virtual-attributes' property to include virtual attributes in the before and after values that are stored. |
Default Value | false |
Allowed Values | true false |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | Indicates whether the contents of changelog entries should be subject to access control and sensitive attribute evaluation such that the contents of attributes like changes, deletedEntryAttrs, ds-changelog-entry-key-attr-values, ds-changelog-before-values, and ds-changelog-after-values may be altered based on attributes the user can see in the target entry. If this feature is enabled and the user does not have permission to read an entry at all, or if that user does not have permission to see any attributes that were targeted by the change, then the associated changelog entries pertaining to those operations may be suppressed. If a user does not have permission to see certain attributes within the target entry, then references to those attributes in the changelog entry will be suppressed. Regardless of the value for this option, the requester must still have access control permission to read changelog entries in order to retrieve them in any form. |
Default Value | false |
Allowed Values | true false |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | Indicates whether changelog entries that have been altered by applying access controls should include additional information about any attributes that may have been removed. Access controls are applied when changelog entries are accessed through standard LDAP searches and apply-access-controls-to-changelog-entry-contents is set to true, or when they are accessed with the Get Changelog Batch extended operation with pareEntriesForUserDN set. |
Default Value | none |
Allowed Values | none - Indicates that changelog entries should not include any information about attributes that have been removed. attribute-counts - Indicates that changelog entries should include the number of user and/or operational attributes that have been removed. If any user attribute information was excluded from a changelog entry, then the number of the excluded user attributes will be reported in the ds-changelog-num-excluded-user-attributes attribute of the changelog entry. If any operational attribute information was excluded from a changelog entry, then the number of the excluded operational attributes will be reported in the ds-changelog-num-excluded-operational-attributes attribute of the changelog entry. Both the ds-changelog-num-excluded-user-attributes and ds-changelog-num-excluded-operational-attributes attributes are operational and must be explicitly requested by clients (or all operational attributes requested via "+") in order to be returned. attribute-names - Indicates that changelog entries should include the names of user and/or operational attributes that have been removed. If any user attribute information was excluded from a changelog entry, then the names of the excluded user attributes will be reported in the ds-changelog-excluded-user-attribute attribute of the changelog entry. If any operational attribute information was excluded from a changelog entry, then the names of the excluded operational attributes will be reported in the ds-changelog-excluded-operational-attribute attribute of the changelog entry. Both the ds-changelog-excluded-user-attribute and ds-changelog-excluded-operational-attribute attributes are operational and must be explicitly requested by clients (or all operational attributes requested via "+") in order to be returned. |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
set-degraded-alert-when-disabled (Advanced Property)
Property Group | General Configuration |
Description | Determines whether the Directory Server enters a DEGRADED state (and sends a corresponding alert) when this Backend is disabled. |
Default Value | true |
Allowed Values | true false |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
return-unavailable-when-disabled (Advanced Property)
Property Group | General Configuration |
Description | Determines whether any LDAP operation that would use this Backend is to return UNAVAILABLE when this Backend is disabled. |
Default Value | true |
Allowed Values | true false |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
notification-manager (Advanced Property)
Property Group | General Configuration |
Description | Specifies a notification manager for changes resulting from operations processed through this Backend |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | The DN of any Notification Manager. |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
db-directory-permissions (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Database Configuration |
Description | Specifies the permissions that should be applied to the directory containing the backend database files and to directories and files created during backup of the backend. They should be expressed as three-digit octal values, which is the traditional representation for UNIX file permissions. The three digits represent the permissions that are available for the directory's owner, group members, and other users (in that order), and each digit is the octal representation of the read, write, and execute bits. Execute permissions are only applied to directories. Note that this only impacts permissions on the database directory and not on the files written into that directory. On UNIX systems, the user's umask controls permissions given to the database files. |
Default Value | 700 |
Allowed Values | Any octal value between 700 and 777 (the owner must always have read, write, and execute permissions on the directory). |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
je-property (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Database Configuration |
Description | Specifies the database and environment properties for the Berkeley DB Java Edition database for this changelog backend. Any Berkeley DB Java Edition property can be specified using the following form: property-name=property-value. Refer to the Directory Server documentation for further information on related properties, their implications, and range values. The definitive identification of all the property parameters is available in the file of Berkeley DB Java Edition distribution. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | A string |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | The Directory Server must be restarted for changes to this setting to take effect. In order for this modification to take effect the server must be restarted |
changelog-write-batch-size (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Database Configuration |
Description | Specifies the number of changelog entries written in a single database transaction. |
Default Value | 100 |
Allowed Values | An integer value. Lower limit is 1. |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
changelog-purge-batch-size (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Database Configuration |
Description | Specifies the number of changelog entries purged in a single database transaction. |
Default Value | 1000 |
Allowed Values | An integer value. Lower limit is 1. |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
changelog-write-queue-capacity (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Database Configuration |
Description | Specifies the capacity of the changelog write queue in number of changes. |
Default Value | 100 |
Allowed Values | An integer value. Lower limit is 1. |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | The Directory Server must be restarted for changes to this setting to take effect. In order for this modification to take effect the server must be restarted |
index-include-attribute (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Database Configuration |
Description | Specifies which attribute types are to be specifically included in the set of attribute indexes maintained on the changelog. If this property does not have any values then no attribute types are indexed. Attribute indexes allow efficient processing of Get-Changelog-Batch requests that require filtering of the results to only include changes involving specific attributes. Attribute Indexes are maintained for the set of attributes that meet the index-include-attribute and index-exclude-attribute rules. When there is an addition to the set of indexed attributes, existing changelog entries will not be indexed for the new attributes; only subsequent changelog entries will be indexed. The special values "*" and "+" can be used to specify all user attributes or all operational attributes, respectively. In the event of a conflict between index-include-attribute and index-exclude-attribute, the index-exclude-attribute takes precedence. |
Default Value | No attribute indexes are maintained. |
Allowed Values | The name or OID of an attribute to be included, or "*" or "+". |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
index-exclude-attribute (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Database Configuration |
Description | Specifies which attribute types are to be specifically excluded from the set of attribute indexes maintained on the changelog. This property is useful when the index-include-attribute property contains one of the special values "*" and "+". Attribute indexes allow efficient processing of Get-Changelog-Batch requests that require filtering of the results to only include changes involving specific attributes. Attribute Indexes are maintained for the set of attributes that meet the index-include-attribute and index-exclude-attribute rules. When there is an addition to the set of indexed attributes, existing changelog entries will not be indexed for the new attributes; only subsequent changelog entries will be indexed. The special values "*" and "+" can be used to specify all user attributes or all operational attributes, respectively. In the event of a conflict between index-include-attribute and index-exclude-attribute, the index-exclude-attribute takes precedence. |
Default Value | There are no index exclude attributes. |
Allowed Values | The name or OID of an attribute to be excluded, or "*" or "+". |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
changelog-entry-include-base-dn (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Changelog Entries To Include |
Description | The base DNs for branches in the data for which to record changes in the changelog. If one or more include branch values are defined, then changelog entries will only be generated for changes to entries that exist within one of those branches. If one or more exclude base DNs are defined, then changelog entries will not be created for entries in those branches even if the entry is also within the scope of an include branch. If no include base DNs and no exclude base DNs are defined, then the changelog will include changes to entries from anywhere in the DIT. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | A valid DN. |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
changelog-entry-exclude-base-dn (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Changelog Entries To Include |
Description | The base DNs for branches in the data for which no changelog records should be generated. If one or more exclude branch values are defined, then changelog entries will not be generated for any changes to entries that exist within one of those branches, even if the change is to an entry that is also within the scope of an include base DN. If no include base DNs and no exclude base DNs are defined, then the changelog will include changes to entries from anywhere in the DIT. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | A valid DN. |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
changelog-entry-include-filter (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Changelog Entries To Include |
Description | A filter that indicates which changelog entries should actually be stored in the changelog. Note that this filter is evaluated against the changelog entry itself and not against the entry that was the target of the change referenced by the changelog entry. This filter may target any attributes that appear in changelog entries with the exception of the changeNumber and entry-size-bytes attributes, since they will not be known at the time of the filter evaluation. If one or more include filter values are defined, then only changelog entries that match at least one of those include filters will be stored in the changelog, and potential changelog entries that do not match any include filters will be discarded. If one or more exclude filters are defined, then any potential changelog entry that matches an exclude filter will be discarded even if it also matches one or more include filters. If no include filters and no exclude filters are defined, then the changelog will not exclude any entries based on their content. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | A valid LDAP search filter |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
changelog-entry-exclude-filter (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Changelog Entries To Include |
Description | A filter that indicates which changelog entries should be excluded from the changelog. Note that this filter is evaluated against the changelog entry itself and not against the entry that was the target of the change referenced by the changelog entry. This filter may target any attributes that appear in changelog entries with the exception of the changeNumber and entry-size-bytes attributes, since they will not be known at the time of the filter evaluation. If one or more exclude filter values are defined, then any potential changelog entry that matches an exclude filter will be discarded even if it also matches one or more include filters. If no include filters and no exclude filters are defined, then the changelog will not exclude any entries based on their content. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | A valid LDAP search filter |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
changelog-include-key-attribute (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | Specifies which attribute types will be included in a changelog entry on every change. This property will cause the current (after-change) value of the specified attributes to be recorded in the 'ds-changelog-entry-key-attr-values' attribute on the changelog entry. This applies for all change types. On a DELETE operation, the values are from the entry before it was deleted. Attributes configured with changelog-exclude-attribute will not be included. The key values will be recorded on every change and are not restricted by the settings configured in 'changelog-include-attribute', 'changelog-deleted-entry-include-attribute', or 'changelog-deleted-entry-exclude-attribute'. The 'changelog-exclude-attribute' property does restrict the attributes included here. Virtual attributes will be included in a separate attribute called 'ds-changelog-entry-key-virtual-values' if and only if the include-virtual-attributes property is configured correctly to include virtual attributes in the "key" attributes that are stored. The special values "*" and "+" can be used to specify all user attributes or all operational attributes, respectively. |
Default Value | There are no key attributes to include. |
Allowed Values | The name or OID of a key attribute to include in changelog entry on every change. |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
changelog-max-before-after-values (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | This controls whether all attribute values for a modified attribute (even those values that have not changed) will be included in the changelog entry. If the number of attribute values does not exceed this limit, then all values for the modified attribute will be included in the changelog entry. Setting this property to a non-zero value will cause all of the old values and all of the new values (up to the specified maximum) for each changed attribute to be stored in the changelog entry. Note that this can be expensive for attributes with hundreds or thousands of values, such as a group entry; the number of values that are stored per attribute is capped by the value of this property. The values will be stored in the 'ds-changelog-before-values' and 'ds-changelog-after-values' attributes on the changelog entry. These attributes are not present by default. If any attributes have more than the maximum number of values, their names and number of before/after values will be stored in the 'ds-changelog-attr-exceeded-max-values-count' or 'ds-changelog-virtual-attr-exceeded-max-values-count' attribute on the changelog entry. These are multi-valued attributes whose format is "attr=attributeName,beforeCount=100,afterCount=101", where "attributeName" is the name of the attribute and the "beforeCount" and "afterCount" are the total number of values for that attribute before and after the change, respectively. In either case (before or after the change) if the number of values is exceeding the maximum, then those values will not be stored. Virtual attributes will be included in separate attributes called 'ds-changelog-before-virtual-values', and 'ds-changelog-after-virtual-values' if and only if the include-virtual-attributes property is configured correctly to include virtual attributes in the before and after values that are stored. Note that the maximum is enforced independently for real and virtual attributes; a changelog entry can store up to n real values and n virtual values, where n is the value of this property. |
Default Value | 0 |
Allowed Values | An integer value. Lower limit is 0. A value of "-1" or "unlimited" for no limit. |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
include-virtual-attributes (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | Specifies the changelog entry elements (if any) in which virtual attributes should be included. |
Default Value | Virtual attributes will not appear in any element of changelog entries. |
Allowed Values | add-attributes - Indicates that virtual attributes should be included in the set of attributes listed for an add operation. deleted-entry-attributes - Indicates that virtual attributes should be included in the set of deleted entry attributes listed for a delete operation. before-and-after-values - Indicates that virtual attributes should be included in the set of before and after values for attributes targeted by the changes. key-attribute-values - Indicates that virtual attributes should be included in the set of entry key attribute values. |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
soft-delete-entry-included-operation (Advanced Property)
Property Group | Changelog Attributes To Include |
Description | Specifies which operations performed on soft-deleted entries will appear in the changelog. This property pertains only to delete and modify operations on existing soft-deleted entries. Logging of soft delete operations and undelete operations are not affected by this property. Soft delete operations are logged like delete operations but with additional information in the changelog entry about the soft-deleted entry that was created. Undelete operations are logged like add operations but with additional information in the changelog entry about the soft-deleted entry that was undeleted. |
Default Value | Updates to soft-deleted entries are not included in the changelog by default. |
Allowed Values | modify - Modification of soft deleted entries will be included in the changelog. delete - Permanent deletion of soft deleted entries will be included in the changelog. |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
To list the configured Backends:
dsconfig list-backends [--property {propertyName}] ...
To view the configuration for an existing Backend:
dsconfig get-backend-prop --backend-name {name} [--tab-delimited] [--script-friendly] [--property {propertyName}] ...
To update the configuration for an existing Backend:
dsconfig set-backend-prop --backend-name {name} (--set|--add|--remove) {propertyName}:{propertyValue} [(--set|--add|--remove) {propertyName}:{propertyValue}] ...