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Generate LDIF data based on a definition in a template file. See the server's config/MakeLDIF directory for example template files. In particular, the examples-of-all-tags.template file shows how to use all of the tags for generating values.


Generate an LDIF file named 'example.ldif' based on the template contained in the 'example.template' template file using a random seed of zero to ensure that the generated LDIF will be repeatable:
make-ldif --templateFile example.template --ldifFile example.ldif \
     --randomSeed 0

Generate a gzip-compressed LDIF file named 'example.ldif.gz' based on the template contained in the 'example.template' template file using four concurrent threads:
make-ldif --templateFile example.template --ldifFile example.ldif.gz \
     --numThreads 4 --compress



Description Display Directory Server version information


Description Display general usage information


Description Display help for using debug options
Advanced Yes

-t {file}
--templateFile {file}

Description The path to the template file that contains information about the LDIF data to generate
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-o {file}
--ldifFile {file}

Description The path to the LDIF file to be written
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No


Description Order the first and last name values. If this option is included, then the name lists will not be randomized before generating sample data

-s {seed}
--randomSeed {seed}

Description The seed used to initialize the random number generator
Default Value 0
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-T {numThreads}
--numThreads {numThreads}

Description The number of threads to use when generating entries. Note that using multiple threads eliminates the ability to reproduce exactly the same LDIF file even when specifying a random seed
Lower Bound 1
Default Value 1
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Compress the generated LDIF using gzip compression


Description Generate the LDIF file as a set of modifications (in a format that could be applied using a tool like ldapmodify or parallel-update) that will replace values for any attribute included in the template. The RDN attribute(s) will be excluded from the set of modifications, and none of the branch entries will be created

--define {PROP:VALUE}

Description Define or override a constant, e.g. "[numusers]", referenced within the template file using the format "constant:value"
Required No
Multi-Valued Yes