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Metric Histogram Boundary

Note: this component is designated "advanced", which means that objects of this type are not expected to be created or altered in most environments. If you believe that such a change is necessary, you may want to contact UnboundID support in order to understand the potential impact of that change.

The Metric Histogram Boundary is used to classify measurements into one of a defined set of value ranges.

The Metric Histogram Boundary is used to classify measurements into one of a defined set of value ranges. Classification of a measurement into ranges provides additional insight into the meaning of the measurement, allowing us to see how many measurements had values that matched the specific ranges. This configuration object is only used for specific metrics that support the Histogram statistic. Changes to the category boundary data will be reflected in the corresponding monitor entries in cn=monitor and in the interpretation of the data stored in the Metrics Engine.

dsconfig Usage


The properties supported by this managed object are as follows:

Basic Properties: Advanced Properties:
↓ metric-name  None
↓ numeric-boundary
↓ duration-boundary

Basic Properties

metric-name (Read-Only)

Specifies the name of the metric that the category boundaries apply to.
Default Value
Allowed Values
A string
Admin Action Required
None. Modification requires no further action


Specifies the boundary values that will be used to separate the measurements into categories. Specifies the boundary values that will be used to separate the measurements into categories. The boundary values are an ordered set with smaller values coming before larger ones. The histogram behavior accumulates values by bucket as follows: bucket1 < value <= bucket2 There can be up to 14 bucket values defined, with a 15th bucket automatically reserved for all values > bucket14.
Default Value
Allowed Values
An integer value. Lower limit is 1.
Admin Action Required
The Metrics Engine must be restarted for changes to this setting to take effect. The Metrics Engine can only aggregate histogram data when the boundary values are the same across time. If you change the boundary values you will not be able to time-aggregate the measurements across the time periods when the boundary values are different. You must restart the server for this change to take effect.


Specifies the boundary values that will be used to separate the measurements into time categories. Specifies the boundary values that will be used to separate the measurements into time categories. The measurements are in units of time, and are be considered to be in milliseconds The boundary values are an ordered set with smaller values coming before larger ones. The histogram behavior accumulates values by bucket as follows: bucket1 < value <= bucket2 There can be up to 14 bucket values defined, with a 15th bucket automatically reserved for all values > bucket14.
Default Value
Allowed Values
A duration. Lower limit is 1 milliseconds.
Admin Action Required
The Metrics Engine must be restarted for changes to this setting to take effect. The Metrics Engine can only aggregate histogram data when the boundary values are the same across time. If you change the boundary values you will not be able to time-aggregate the measurements across the time periods when the boundary values are different. You must restart the server for this change to take effect.

dsconfig Usage

To list the configured Metric Histogram Boundaries:

dsconfig list-metric-histogram-boundaries
     [--property {propertyName}] ...

To view the configuration for an existing Metric Histogram Boundary:

dsconfig get-metric-histogram-boundary-prop
     --boundary-name {name}
     [--property {propertyName}] ...

To update the configuration for an existing Metric Histogram Boundary:

dsconfig set-metric-histogram-boundary-prop
     --boundary-name {name}
     (--set|--add|--remove) {propertyName}:{propertyValue}
     [(--set|--add|--remove) {propertyName}:{propertyValue}] ...