Note: this component is designated "advanced", which means that objects of this type are not expected to be created or altered in most environments. If you believe that such a change is necessary, you may want to contact UnboundID support in order to understand the potential impact of that change.
The LDAP Attribute Description List Plugin may be used to request that all attributes contained in a specified object class be included in search result entries, by prefixing the name of that object class name with an "@" symbol (e.g., "@inetOrgPerson") in the list of requested attributes as described in RFC 4529. It may also be used to exclude attributes from search result entries by prefixing the name of that attribute with a "^" symbol (e.g., "^cn") in the list of requested attributes, or to exclude all attributes associated with an object class by prefixing the object class name with "^@" (e.g., "^@inetOrgPerson").
If the list of requested attributes includes only attribute and/or object class names prefixed with "^" symbols, then it will be assumed that all user attributes other than those excluded should be returned (e.g., a requested attribute list containing just "^cn" indicates that all user attributes other than "cn" should be returned). If the requested attribute list contains any elements which are not prefixed by a "^", then those elements which are prefixed with a "^" will be excluded from what would be returned from those elements not prefixed with "^". This means, for example, that it is possible to exclude a specified operational attribute from the set of all operational attributes (e.g., by requesting both "+" and "^entryUUID"), or a specific attribute can be excluded from all attributes in an object class (e.g., by requesting both "@inetOrgPerson" and "^userPassword").
↓Parent Component
↓dsconfig Usage
The LDAP Attribute Description List Plugin component inherits from the Plugin
The properties supported by this managed object are as follows:
Basic Properties: | Advanced Properties: |
↓ description | ↓ invoke-for-internal-operations |
↓ enabled |
Description | A description for this Plugin |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | A string |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Description | Indicates whether the plug-in is enabled for use. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | true false |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | Yes |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
invoke-for-internal-operations (Advanced Property)
Description | Indicates whether the plug-in should be invoked for internal operations. Any plug-in that can be invoked for internal operations must ensure that it does not create any new internal operations that can cause the same plug-in to be re-invoked. |
Default Value | true |
Allowed Values | true false |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
To list the configured Plugins:
dsconfig list-plugins [--property {propertyName}] ...
To view the configuration for an existing Plugin:
dsconfig get-plugin-prop --plugin-name {name} [--tab-delimited] [--script-friendly] [--property {propertyName}] ...
To update the configuration for an existing Plugin:
dsconfig set-plugin-prop --plugin-name {name} (--set|--add|--remove) {propertyName}:{propertyValue} [(--set|--add|--remove) {propertyName}:{propertyValue}] ...
To create a new LDAP Attribute Description List Plugin:
dsconfig create-plugin --plugin-name {name} --type ldap-attribute-description-list --set enabled:{propertyValue} [--set {propertyName}:{propertyValue}] ...
To delete an existing Plugin:
dsconfig delete-plugin --plugin-name {name}