UnboundID Metrics Engine Release Notes

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Metrics Engine

Following are notes for version of the UnboundID Metrics Engine. Notes for the following versions of the Metrics Engine are also available in this document:

Resolved Issues

The following issues have been resolved with this release of the Metrics Engine:

  • Added a new sanitize-log tool that can be used to remove sensitive information from server log files, including the file-based access log, the operation timing access log, the file-based error log, the file-based sync log, the file-based resync log, and the detailed HTTP operation log.

    The sanitization process operates on fields that consist of name-value pairs. The field name and equal sign will always be retained, but in cases where the value may contain sensitive data, that value may either be replaced with the string "---REDACTED---", or it may be tokenized. If the tokenized value is a DN or filter, then attribute names in that DN or filter will be preserved while the values will be replaced with a string consisting of a number inside curly braces. If the tokenized value is not a DN or filter, then the entire value will be replaced with a number inside curly braces. If a string to be tokenized appears multiple times in the log, the same replacement token will be used for each occurrence of that string to make it possible to correlate occurrences of that string without revealing the actual content.

    The sanitize-log tool has a default configuration that should be sufficient for many environments, allowing it to tokenize or redact sensitive information while preserving non-sensitive content for use in diagnosing problems or understanding usage patterns. However, this behavior can be customized using command-line arguments by indicating whether to preserve, tokenize, or redact a given log field. Issue:DS-10472

Metrics Engine

Resolved Issues

These issues were resolved with version of the Metrics Engine:

  • Update the collect-support-data tool so that it can encrypt the data that is captured to protect it from unauthorized third parties. The encryption key is generated from a passphrase which may be read from a file, interactively provided by the user, or dynamically generated by the tool. This passphrase must be provided to support personnel (ideally over a different communication channel than the encrypted support data archive itself) for them to be able to access the information it contains.

    There is also a new option to decrypt an encrypted collect-support-data archive when provided with the encryption passphrase. Issue:DS-10129

  • Update the collect-support-data tool so that it is possible to configure default values for most arguments in the tools.properties file. Issue:DS-10178

  • Update the collect-support-data tool to further reduce the possibility of gathering sensitive information. Potentially sensitive data will be replaced with ---REDACTED--- in the output. A new "--securityLevel maximum" option can also be specified that redacts DNs and search filters, which might include personally identifiable information. Issue:DS-10115

Metrics Engine

Resolved Issues

These issues were resolved with version of the Metrics Engine:

  • Update the default behavior of all file-based loggers to have include-thread-id=true. This will include a compact thread ID in all log messages. This can make it easier to correlate log messages generated by the same thread within a single log file or across different types of log files. Issue:DS-9352

Metrics Engine

Resolved Issues

These issues were resolved with version of the Metrics Engine:

  • Add an allow-insecure-local-jmx-access option to the global config that will expose JMX data via insecure local JVM connection Issue:DS-4300

Metrics Engine

New Features

These features were added for version of the Metrics Engine:

  • The UnboundID Identity Broker is the first of a new class of components for consumer and subscriber identity management architectures.

    As a stand-alone server, it provides authorization decisions for client applications, provisioning systems, API gateways, and analytical tools in any architecture involving personal, account, or sensitive identity data.

    Working together with the UnboundID Identity Data Store and Identity Proxy, the Identity Broker is designed to make high-volume and high-speed authorization decisions based on ever-changing consumer profile and consent data. Functionally, the Identity Broker is both the Policy Decision Point and the OAuth2 provider for externalized authorization. Performance-wise, the Identity Broker can support the request volumes driven by the complex, real-time interactions necessary to support today's consumer-facing mobile, social, and cloud ecosystems.

Known Issues and Workarounds

These were known issues at the time of the release of version of the Metrics Engine:

Resolved Issues

These issues were resolved with version of the Metrics Engine:

  • Fix a bug where under certain error conditions the start server scripts could prompt user to overwrite existing file. Issue:DS-7268

  • Introduce an "include-thread-id" configuration property on many of the file-based loggers that when enabled adds a threadID field to logging output. This makes it possible to know exactly which thread logged a message, which can simplify correlating errors between log messages and separate logs. This ID can be correlated to a thread name using the cn=JVM Stack Trace,cn=monitor entry. Issue:DS-8212

  • Change stop-*.bat to attempt a soft server shutdown before terminating the process. Issue:DS-408

  • Addressed an issue in the monitoring pages of the web console where they incorrectly listed replication related information. Issue:DS-7289

  • Update the JMX connection handler to infer an appropriate Java type (e.g. Boolean, Long, Float, Date, or String) for JMX attributes from the underlying LDAP attribute type and value. The legacy behavior to return all JMX attributes as String values can be set if desired through the advanced global configuration property 'jmx-value-behavior'. Issue:DS-7635

  • Add the --noPropertiesFile option to the status command so that it does not fail when the option is provided to collect-support-data. Issue:DS-8390

  • The uninstaller now requires explicit confirmation before it will remove files from outside the server's root directory. Also, options for performing an LDAP connection from the tool have been deprecated. Issue:DS-8426

  • Fix an issue where dsconfig could apply changes to multiple servers in a failure situation even though it claimed that no changes were applied. Issue:DS-8677

  • Fix a bug in the JDBC Access Logger that could cause incompatibility with some database versions and display a "Cannot commit when autoCommit is enabled" error message. Issue:DS-8750

Metrics Engine

New Features

These features were added for version of the Metrics Engine:

  • Update the names of the UnboundID-branded products, which are now:

    • Identity Data Store (formerly Directory Server)
    • Identity Proxy (formerly Proxy Server)
    • Identity Data Sync (formerly Synchronization Server)
    • Metrics Engine (name unchanged)

  • The Metrics Engine can now be configured to monitor and alert on Service Level Agreements. For information about Service Level Agreements and how to configure them, please refer to the "Monitoring Service Level Agreements" section of the UnboundID Metrics Engine Administration Guide.

  • Provide API for accessing Metrics Engine SLAs and Threshold Alerts. For API documentation, please refer to the "Accessing the Metrics Engine Data" chapter of the UnboundID Metrics Engine Administration Guide.

Known Issues and Workarounds

These were known issues at the time of the release of version of the Metrics Engine:

  • Version 3.6.x Metrics Engine cannot monitor version 4.x servers. To monitor a version 4.x server you must first upgrade the Metrics Engine to version 4.0. Issue:7743

Resolved Issues

These issues were resolved with version of the Metrics Engine:

  • File Server HTTP Servlet Extensions now allow a default MIME type to be set with the default-mime-type property. Issue:DS-6959

  • Change the stop-* tools to behave like other task based tools. These tools require the use of the --task argument to ensure that user knows they are using a server task. These tools also will not use properties files unless you provide the --usePropertiesFile or --propertiesFilePath arguments.

  • Fix a bug that prevented viewing hidden and complex configuration properties using dsconfig in a non-interactive mode. Issue:DS-7245

  • Fix a bug in the manage-extension tool that would cause an error when attempting to install an extension if that extension's getExtensionDescription method returned null (which is allowed as per the documentation). Issue:DS-7367

  • Fix a bug in the LDAPConnectionHandler where it did not close the NIO Selector on shutdown. On some platforms this caused the underlying socket channel to remain bound, which prevented the server from being able to restart. Issue:DS-7373

Metrics Engine

New Features

These features were added for version of the Metrics Engine:

  • IPv6 is now a supported deployment option.

  • 64-bit JDK 7 is now a supported deployment option, but 32-bit JDKs are no longer supported.

  • Provide API for accessing monitored server Alerts.

Known Issues and Workarounds

These were known issues at the time of the release of version of the Metrics Engine:

  • Version 3.6.x Metrics Engine cannot monitor version 4.x servers. To monitor a version 4.x server you must first upgrade the Metrics Engine to version 4.0. Issue:7743

Resolved Issues

These issues were resolved with version of the Metrics Engine:

  • Fix a typo in the output of "query-metrics explore". It had indicated that "&dimensions=application-name:value1,value2" could be used to restrict the query output, but it should just be "&dimension=application-name:value1,value2" (not plural). Issue:DS-7226

  • Added HTML response to the chart resource using the URL /api/v1/metrics/{metricId}/chart.html. The title of the HTML document will be the same as that of the chart title. Issue:DS-7071

  • Fix a problem in the manage-extension tool where it would fail on Windows because it tried to delete some temp files that were currently in use. Issue:DS-6770

  • The default behavior of the API is changed to address how incomplete sample intervals close to the current real time are returned when performing a multi-time interval query:

    - The datatable and chart resources now truncates incomplete time intervals from the data by default but only up to 5 min worth of intervals or 20% of the total number of intervals, which ever is less. - Introduced the lastCompleteIndex property to the data series objects in a dataset response. This is used to indicate the index of most current 'complete' sample where a complete sample is a sample that contains values for all aggregates. No data is truncated by default. - The default trimming behaviors of all resources may be overridden using the new maxTruncatedIntervals query parameter. This allows the client to specify the maximum number of incomplete sample intervals that may be truncated from the resulting response. Issue:DS-7068

  • Added a new includeEmptySeries query param to the datatable and chart resources that may be used to control whether the results should contain series with no data. The default is false. Issues:DS-7071,DS-7077

  • Fix a bug in dsconfig that prevented going back when adding a new configuration object inside of an existing one. Issue:DS-7263 SF#:1793

  • Prevent disk space monitoring for metrics db for environments where file permissions disallow reading. Issue:DS-7266 SF#:1794

  • Add a few query parameters to the chart resource (/api/v1/{metricId}/chart) to allow customizations:

    - title: The input is now treated as a Velocity template and the $metric context may be used to reference anything in the Metric object. - subTitle: Allows adding one or more sub-titles to the chart. Velocity templates may be used. - tz: Specifies the time zone used for all date/times on the chart. Default is GMT. - dateFormat: Specifies the format of the all date/times on the chart. It uses the standard Java SimpleDateFormat strings. - useLogScale: Use a logarithmic scale for the range axis. - style: Allows customizations of various stylistic elements in the chart in a psudo CSS format (semi-colon separated list of rules where the key and value separated by a colon). The following rules are implemented: -- series-color: A space separated list of colors to use for the different series in the order specified. The standard 17 CSS named colors are supported along with the hex (ie.#445566) and rgb (ie. rgb(45, 100, 255)) notations. (ie. series-color: blue red #221122 rgb(234,255,255);) -- series-width: The width of the series lines in px notation (ie. series-width: 5px;) -- background-color: The background color of the chart (ie. background-color: white;) -- grid-line-width: The width of the gridlines. If only one value is present, both the domain and range gridlines will use the same width. Otherwise, the first value is for the domain and the second for the range gridlines. (ie. grid-line-width: 4px 6px;) -- grid-line-color: The color of the gridlines. (ie. grid-line-color: red blue;) -- legend-position: The position of the legend, if present. (ie. legend-position: right;) Issue:DS-7076

Metrics Engine

New Features

These features were added for version of the Metrics Engine:

  • The Metrics Engine is a core server product that collects and aggregates key diagnostic, capacity, and usage information from an UnboundID server topology consisting of instrumented Directory Server, Directory Proxy Server, and Synchronization Servers running release and above. Metrics data can be explored and graphed using the included query-metric tool, and the Metrics Engine REST API makes this information available to custom applications and third-party systems. To learn more about the Metrics Engine, please refer to the UnboundID Metrics Engine Administration Guide.

Known Issues and Workarounds

These were known issues at the time of the release of version of the Metrics Engine:

Resolved Issues

These issues were resolved with version of the Metrics Engine:

No information is available