Note: this component is designated "advanced", which means that objects of this type are not expected to be created or altered in most environments. If you believe that such a change is necessary, you may want to contact UnboundID support in order to understand the potential impact of that change.
The Metrics Backend provides a Metrics Engine backend implementation that provides access to current blocks of metric samples.
The metrics Collector is responsible for caching and persisting blocks of performance data as they are captured. This backend provides a way to fetch the blocks from the local server using LDAP. The format of the performance data is intended for use by the UnboundID monitoring console, is not intended for consumption by other processing elements, and may change at any time.
↓Parent Component
↓Relations To this Component
↓dsconfig Usage
The Metrics Backend component inherits from the Backend
The following components have a direct aggregation relation from Metrics Backends:
The properties supported by this managed object are as follows:
Basic Properties: | Advanced Properties: |
↓ description | ↓ backend-id |
↓ enabled | ↓ sample-flush-interval |
↓ writability-mode | |
↓ return-unavailable-when-disabled | |
↓ storage-dir | |
↓ metrics-dir | |
↓ retention-policy |
Description | A description for this Backend |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | A string |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Description | Indicates whether the backend is enabled in the server. If a backend is not enabled, then its contents are not accessible when processing operations. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | true false |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | Yes |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Description | Specifies the behavior that the backend should use when processing write operations. |
Default Value | None |
Allowed Values | enabled - Allows write operations to be performed in that backend (if the requested operation is valid, the user has permission to perform the operation, the backend supports that type of write operation, and the global writability-mode property is also enabled). disabled - Causes all write attempts to fail. internal-only - Causes external write attempts to fail but allows writes by replication and internal operations. |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | Yes |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Description | Determines whether any LDAP operation that would use this Backend is to return UNAVAILABLE when this Backend is disabled. |
Default Value | true |
Allowed Values | true false |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Description | Specifies the path to the directory that will be used to store queued samples. It may be either an absolute path or a path relative to the base of the Metrics Engine instance. |
Default Value | collector |
Allowed Values | Unknown |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | Yes |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Description | Specifies the path to the directory that contains metric definitions. It may be either an absolute path or a path relative to the base of the Metrics Engine instance. |
Default Value | metrics |
Allowed Values | Unknown |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | Yes |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
Description | The retention policy to use for the Metrics Backend . When multiple policies are used, log files are cleaned when any of the policy's conditions are met. |
Default Value | No retention policy is used and log files are never cleaned. |
Allowed Values | The DN of any Log Retention Policy. |
Multi-Valued | Yes |
Required | Yes |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
backend-id (Advanced Property, Read-Only)
Description | Specifies a name to identify the associated backend. The name must be unique among all backends in the server. The backend ID may not be altered after the backend is created in the server. |
Default Value | metrics |
Allowed Values | A string |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | Yes |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
sample-flush-interval (Advanced Property)
Description | Period when samples are flushed to disk. Samples will be buffered in memory until a non-configurable buffer size is reached or until the oldest sample is this age. The combination of this value and the retention-policies determine how many files will be present in the storage-dir directory. The size of each file is determined by the sample-interval in the Stats Collector plugin, the number of samples being captured, and this variable. Searches of the Metrics Backend will result in enumerating all of the files in storage-dir. |
Default Value | 30 seconds |
Allowed Values | A duration. Lower limit is 15 seconds. Upper limit is 60 seconds. |
Multi-Valued | No |
Required | No |
Admin Action Required | None. Modification requires no further action |
To list the configured Backends:
dsconfig list-backends [--property {propertyName}] ...
To view the configuration for an existing Backend:
dsconfig get-backend-prop --backend-name {name} [--tab-delimited] [--script-friendly] [--property {propertyName}] ...
To update the configuration for an existing Backend:
dsconfig set-backend-prop --backend-name {name} (--set|--add|--remove) {propertyName}:{propertyValue} [(--set|--add|--remove) {propertyName}:{propertyValue}] ...
To create a new Metrics Backend:
dsconfig create-backend --backend-name {name} --type metrics --set enabled:{propertyValue} --set writability-mode:{propertyValue} [--set {propertyName}:{propertyValue}] ...
To delete an existing Backend:
dsconfig delete-backend --backend-name {name}