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Alarm Manager

The Alarm Manager provides an interface between components that raise alarms and persistence of those alarms into the alarms backend.

dsconfig Usage


The properties supported by this managed object are as follows:

Basic Properties: Advanced Properties:
↓ default-gauge-alert-level ↓ generated-alert-types

Basic Properties


Specifies the level at which alerts are sent for alarms raised by the Alarm Manager. Whenever an alarm's severity changes, one or more alerts may be issued. Alarms raised for levels below this setting will appear in the alarm backend but will not send alerts. The alert-level setting on the individual gauges, if present, will override this setting.
Default Value
Allowed Values
always - Alarms of any severity will generate alerts.

warning-and-above - Warning, minor, major, and critical alarms will trigger alerts.

minor-and-above - Minor, major, and critical alarms will trigger alerts.

major-and-above - Major and critical alarms will trigger alerts.

critical-only - Only critical alarms will trigger alerts.

never - No alerts will be generated.
Admin Action Required
None. Modification requires no further action

Advanced Properties

generated-alert-types (Advanced Property)

Indicates what kind of alert types should be generated. There are two kinds of alert types supported by the server - standard and alarm-specific. For example, when the server detects that its disk space is low, a standard alert type of 'low-disk-space-warning' is generated. Alarm alerts can be one of 'alarm-cleared', 'alarm-critical', 'alarm-major', 'alarm-minor', or 'alarm-warning' and can be generated when an alarm changes in severity. The server may be configured to generate alarm alerts instead of, or in addition to, standard alerts using this property. For example, for the above mentioned case, if this property is set to 'alarm', an 'alarm-warning' alert type will be generated instead of the 'low-disk-space-warning' alert. The server should generally be configured to support one kind of alert type or the other to avoid duplicate alerts. If desired, this property may be set to both 'standard' and 'alarm' to generate both. By default, only standard alerts are generated.
Default Value
Allowed Values
standard - Indicates that standard alerts should be generated.

alarm - Indicates that alarm-specific alerts should be generated.
Admin Action Required
None. Modification requires no further action

dsconfig Usage

To view the Alarm Manager configuration:

dsconfig get-alarm-manager-prop
     [--property {propertyName}] ...

To update the Alarm Manager configuration:

dsconfig set-alarm-manager-prop
     (--set|--add|--remove) {propertyName}:{propertyValue}
     [(--set|--add|--remove) {propertyName}:{propertyValue}] ...