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Manage the server encryption settings database.

More information about the cipher algorithms and transformations available for use may be found in the Java Cryptography Architecture Reference Guide available online at, as well as the Standard Algorithm Name Documentation available at


Interactively supply the passphrase needed to access the encryption settings database:
encryption-settings supply-passphrase

List all of the available encryption settings definitions:
encryption-settings list

List all of the available encryption ciphers:
encryption-settings list-ciphers

Create a new encryption settings definition that will encrypt data using a 128-bit AES cipher. It will be made the preferred settings definition for subsequent encryption operations:
encryption-settings create --cipher-algorithm AES --key-length-bits 128 \

Remove the encryption settings definition with the specified ID from the server:
encryption-settings delete --id DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709

Export the encryption settings definition with the given ID to output file /tmp/exported-key using the PIN in file /tmp/ to encrypt its contents:
encryption-settings export --id DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709 \
     --output-file /tmp/exported-key --pin-file /tmp/

Import the encryption settings data from file /tmp/exported-key using the PIN from file /tmp/ to decrypt its contents. It will be made the preferred settings definition for subsequent encryption operations:
encryption-settings import --input-file /tmp/exported-key \
     --pin-file /tmp/ --set-preferred

Sets the encryption settings definition with the specified ID to be preferred for subsequent encryption performed by the server:
encryption-settings set-preferred --id DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709




Create a new encryption settings definition for use by the server. A new random key will be generated based on the provided settings

create Examples

Create a new encryption settings definition that will encrypt data using a 128-bit AES cipher. It will be made the preferred settings definition for subsequent encryption operations:
encryption-settings create --cipher-algorithm AES --key-length-bits 128 \

create Arguments

-a {algorithm}
--cipher-algorithm {algorithm}

Description The cipher algorithm to use for encryption and decryption. This must be provided
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-t {transformation}
--cipher-transformation {transformation}

Description The full cipher transformation that will be used for encryption and decryption. If this is not provided, then a default transformation will be used based on the specified cipher algorithm
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-l {bits}
--key-length-bits {bits}

Description The length in bits of the encryption key that should be used for the encryption settings definition
Lower Bound 1
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No


Description Make the new encryption settings definition preferred for subsequent encryption operations. If the new definition is the first definition, then it will automatically be set preferred


Delete an encryption settings definition from the server. Note that the preferred encryption settings definition may not be deleted unless it is the only available definition

delete Examples

Remove the encryption settings definition with the specified ID from the server:
encryption-settings delete --id DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709

delete Arguments

-i {id}
--id {id}

Description The identifier for the encryption settings definition to remove
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No


Export an encryption settings definition from the server so that it can be imported into another server

export Examples

Export the encryption settings definition with the given ID to output file /tmp/exported-key using the PIN in file /tmp/ to encrypt its contents:
encryption-settings export --id DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709 \
     --output-file /tmp/exported-key --pin-file /tmp/

export Arguments

-i {id}
--id {id}

Description The identifier for the encryption settings definition to export
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-o {path}
--output-file {path}

Description The path of the output file to which the exported encryption settings should be written
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-W {path}
--pin-file {path}

Description The path of the file containing the PIN that should be used to encrypt the exported encryption settings. If this is not provided, it will be interactively requested from the user
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Import an encryption settings definition into the server

import Examples

Import the encryption settings data from file /tmp/exported-key using the PIN from file /tmp/ to decrypt its contents. It will be made the preferred settings definition for subsequent encryption operations:
encryption-settings import --input-file /tmp/exported-key \
     --pin-file /tmp/ --set-preferred

import Arguments

-i {path}
--input-file {path}

Description The path of the input file containing the encryption settings definition to import
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

-W {path}
--pin-file {path}

Description The path of the file containing the PIN that should be used to decrypt the exported encryption settings. If this is not provided, it will be interactively requested from the user
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Make the new encryption settings definition preferred for subsequent encryption operations. If the new definition is the first definition, then it will automatically be set preferred


List all of the encryption settings definitions available to the server

list Examples

List all of the available encryption settings definitions:
encryption-settings list


List all of the encryption ciphers available to the server

list-ciphers Examples

List all of the available encryption ciphers:
encryption-settings list-ciphers


Specify the preferred settings to use for encryption in the server

set-preferred Examples

Sets the encryption settings definition with the specified ID to be preferred for subsequent encryption performed by the server:
encryption-settings set-preferred --id DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709

set-preferred Arguments

-i {id}
--id {id}

Description The identifier for the encryption settings definition to set as preferred
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No


Interactively supply the passphrase needed to access the contents of the encryption settings database. This is only applicable if the server is configured to use a 'Wait for Passphrase' cipher stream provider

supply-passphrase Examples

Interactively supply the passphrase needed to access the encryption settings database:
encryption-settings supply-passphrase



Description Display Identity Broker version information


Description Display general usage information


Description Display help for using debug options
Advanced Yes