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Manage resource owner consent.

This tool features commands that allow you to invoke consent management operations over the Identity Broker REST API. Consent is authorization by a resource owner to allow access to resources by an application. See the --help-subcommands option for a list of supported sub-commands.




Add consent

add-consent Examples

Give consent to allow application '' to read E-mail and Name of 'joe' for marketing purposes:
consent-admin add-consent --owner joe --application --action Read \
     --purpose Marketing --resource E-mail --resource Name

Give consent to allow application '' access to resources owned by 'joe' where the allowed action, purpose and resources are defined by the 'marketing' scope:
consent-admin add-consent --owner joe --application \
     --scope marketing

add-consent Arguments

--owner {owner}

Description The resource owner
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

--application {name}

Description The name of the application associated with the consent
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

--scope {scope}

Description The name of a scope providing the action, purpose and resources for which consent is given
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--action {action}

Description The name of an action for which consent is given
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--resource {resource}

Description The name of a resource for which consent is given
Required No
Multi-Valued Yes

--purpose {purpose}

Description The name of a purpose for which consent is given
Required No
Multi-Valued No


List policy decision history for the specified resource owner. There are numerous options available to filter the results

list-access-history Arguments

--owner {owner}

Description The resource owner
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

--application {name}

Description The name of the application associated with the consent
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--decision {decision}

Description Filter records by policy decision, e.g. Permit or Deny
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--action {action}

Description The name of an action for which consent is given
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--purpose {name}

Description The name of the purpose associated with the consent
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--resourceURN {URN}

Description Filter records by resource URN
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--resource {name}

Description Filter records by resource Name
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--startTime {startTime}

Description Exclude records created before the specified time. Time may be specified in absolute form or relative form. Relative form is -Xu where X is an integer and u are units e.g. -2h (2 hours ago), -5d (5 days ago). The leading '-' is required, and value units are: m (minute), h (hour), d (day), w (week), M (30-day month), y (365 day year). Absolute form is an ISO8601 timestamp where fields to the right are optional. e.g. 2013-01-29T13:47:36.876Z, 2013-01-29. The delimiter characters '-' and ':' are required. If no timezone is specified the server's timezone is assumed
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--endTime {endTime}

Description Exclude records created after the specified time. Time may be specified in absolute form or relative form. Relative form is +Xu where X is an integer and u are units e.g. +2h (2 hours after the start time, +5d (5 days after the start time). The leading '+' is required, and value units are: m (minute), h (hour), d (day), w (week), M (30-day month), y (365 day year). Absolute form is an ISO8601 timestamp where fields to the right are optional. e.g. 2013-01-29T13:47:36.876Z, 2013-01-29. The delimiter characters '-' and ':' are required. If no timezone is specified the server's timezone is assumed
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--startIndex {startIndex}

Description The index number of the first item to be provided in the results. The default value is 0
Lower Bound 0
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--count {count}

Description The maximum number of items to be provided in the results. By default there is no maximum
Lower Bound 1
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Indicates that consent with multiple resource values should display the values all on one line separated by tabs instead of providing each value on a separate line


Description Validate the provided options to ensure they reference objects that exist in the Broker Store. By default, this validation is not performed so that any records referencing deleted objects may be found

--sortBy {sortBy}

Description Specifies how the results should be sorted. Allowed values are: application, action, purpose, timestamp, owner, decision
Default Value timestamp
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--sortOrder {sortOrder}

Description Specifies how sorted results should be ordered. Allowed values are: ascending, descending
Required No
Multi-Valued No


List consent change history for a given resource owner

list-change-history Arguments

--owner {owner}

Description The resource owner
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

--sortBy {sortBy}

Required No
Multi-Valued No

--operation {operation}

Description Include only records matching the given action type. Allowed values are: capture, revoke
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--filterSubstring {substring}

Description Include only records where the given substring matches a concatenation of the actor, action type, timestamp, application, action and purpose (ignoring differences in case)
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--startTime {startTime}

Description Exclude records created before the specified time. Time may be specified in absolute form or relative form. Relative form is -Xu where X is an integer and u are units e.g. -2h (2 hours ago), -5d (5 days ago). The leading '-' is required, and value units are: m (minute), h (hour), d (day), w (week), M (30-day month), y (365 day year). Absolute form is an ISO8601 timestamp where fields to the right are optional. e.g. 2013-01-29T13:47:36.876Z, 2013-01-29. The delimiter characters '-' and ':' are required. If no timezone is specified the server's timezone is assumed
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--endTime {endTime}

Description Exclude records created after the specified time. Time may be specified in absolute form or relative form. Relative form is +Xu where X is an integer and u are units e.g. +2h (2 hours after the start time, +5d (5 days after the start time). The leading '+' is required, and value units are: m (minute), h (hour), d (day), w (week), M (30-day month), y (365 day year). Absolute form is an ISO8601 timestamp where fields to the right are optional. e.g. 2013-01-29T13:47:36.876Z, 2013-01-29. The delimiter characters '-' and ':' are required. If no timezone is specified the server's timezone is assumed
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--startIndex {startIndex}

Description The index number of the first item to be provided in the results. The default value is 0
Lower Bound 0
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--count {count}

Description The maximum number of items to be provided in the results. By default there is no maximum
Lower Bound 1
Required No
Multi-Valued No


List consent

list-consent Arguments

--owner {owner}

Description The resource owner
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

--application {name}

Description The name of the application associated with the consent
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--resource {name}

Description The name of the resource associated with the consent
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--startIndex {startIndex}

Description The index number of the first item to be provided in the results. The default value is 0
Lower Bound 0
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--count {count}

Description The maximum number of items to be provided in the results. By default there is no maximum
Lower Bound 1
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Indicates that consent with multiple resource values should display the values all on one line separated by tabs instead of providing each value on a separate line


List applications for which a given owner has granted consent

list-consented-applications Arguments

--owner {owner}

Description The resource owner
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

--sortBy {sortBy}

Required No
Multi-Valued No

--startIndex {startIndex}

Description The index number of the first item to be provided in the results. The default value is 0
Lower Bound 0
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--count {count}

Description The maximum number of items to be provided in the results. By default there is no maximum
Lower Bound 1
Required No
Multi-Valued No


List resources for which a given owner has granted consent

list-consented-resources Arguments

--owner {owner}

Description The resource owner
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

--sortBy {sortBy}

Required No
Multi-Valued No

--startIndex {startIndex}

Description The index number of the first item to be provided in the results. The default value is 0
Lower Bound 0
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--count {count}

Description The maximum number of items to be provided in the results. By default there is no maximum
Lower Bound 1
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Revoke consent

revoke-consent Examples

Revoke all consent granted to a given application:
consent-admin revoke-consent --application

Revoke all consent granted by a resource owner to a given application:
consent-admin revoke-consent --application --owner joe

Revoke consent granted by a resource owner to a given application for a particular purpose:
consent-admin revoke-consent --application --owner joe \
     --purpose Marketing

Revoke consent granted by a resource owner to a given application to access a resource:
consent-admin revoke-consent --application --owner joe \
     --resource E-mail

Revoke consent granted by a resource owner to a given application to access a resource for a particular purpose:
consent-admin revoke-consent --application --owner joe \
     --resource E-mail --purpose Marketing

revoke-consent Arguments

--application {name}

Description The name of the application associated with the consent
Required Yes
Multi-Valued No

--owner {owner}

Description The resource owner
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--resource {name}

Description The name of the resource associated with the consent
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--purpose {name}

Description The name of the purpose associated with the consent
Required No
Multi-Valued No



Description Display Identity Broker version information


Description Display general usage information


Description Display help for using debug options
Advanced Yes

-h {host}
--hostname {host}

Description Identity Broker hostname or IP address
Default Value localhost
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-p {port}
--httpPort {port}

Description Identity Broker HTTP/S port number [Default: from the local Identity Broker configuration]
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Use SSL for secure communication with the server [Default: from the local Identity Broker configuration]


Description Trust all server SSL certificates

-P {trustStorePath}
--trustStorePath {trustStorePath}

Description Certificate trust store path
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}

Description Path to the file that contains default property values used for command-line arguments
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Specify that no properties file will be used to get default command-line argument values


Description Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, you will not be prompted and the tool will fail

--adminHostname {host}

Description The Identity Broker Admin service hostname or IP address, if it differs from that of the OAuth service [Default: from the local Identity Broker configuration]
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--adminHttpPort {port}

Description The Identity Broker Admin service HTTP(S) port number, if it differs from that of the OAuth service [Default: from the local Identity Broker configuration]
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-u {authid}
--authId {authid}

Description The administrator or user ID used to authenticate with the server
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-w {password}
--authPassword {password}

Description The administrator or user password used to authenticate with the server
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-j {path}
--authPasswordFile {path}

Description The path to a file containing the administrator or user password used to authenticate with the server
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--authClientID {client_id}

Description The client ID of the internal Identity Broker application, needed by the tool itself to obtain a bearer token to access the server [Default: from the local Identity Broker configuration]
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--authClientSecret {client_secret}

Description The client secret of the internal Identity Broker application, needed by the tool itself to obtain a bearer token to access the server [Default: from the local Identity Broker configuration]
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--userMetadataHostname {host}

Description The Identity Broker User Metadata service hostname or IP address, if it differs from that of the OAuth service [Default: from the local Identity Broker configuration]
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--userMetadataHttpPort {port}

Description The Identity Broker User Metadata service HTTP(S) port number, if it differs from that of the OAuth service [Default: from the local Identity Broker configuration]
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--scimHostname {host}

Description The Identity Broker SCIM service hostname or IP address, if it differs from that of the OAuth service [Default: from the local Identity Broker configuration]
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--scimHttpPort {port}

Description The Identity Broker SCIM service HTTP(S) port number, if it differs from that of the OAuth service [Default: from the local Identity Broker configuration]
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Use script-friendly mode

-F {batchFilePath}
--batch-file {batchFilePath}

Description Path to a file containing a sequence of commands to run
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Continue processing even if there are errors


Description Use quiet mode


Description Display all subcommands