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Remove a server from this server's topology.

This tool will remove an Identity Broker from a topology by removing server descriptors referring to a chosen server from admin backends of all other peers in the topology. Servers available for removal are discovered through the local server's admin data and can be listed using dsframework.

This tool need only be used when an Identity Broker has been permanently made unavailable since a server is removed from its topology by the uninstall tool.


Interactively choose a server to remove from the local server's topology. The tool will prompt for manager credentials for each server in the topology:

Remove a specific server from the topology by specifying its admin server ID. The manager bind DN and password are used to to interact with all servers in the topology:
remove-defunct-server --serverID \
     --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" --bindPassword secret



Description Display Identity Broker version information


Description Display general usage information


Description Display help for using debug options
Advanced Yes

-D {bindDN}
--bindDN {bindDN}

Description DN used to bind to the server
Default Value cn=Directory Manager
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-w {bindPassword}
--bindPassword {bindPassword}

Description Password used to bind to the server
Required No
Multi-Valued No

-j {bindPasswordFile}
--bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}

Description Bind password file
Required No
Multi-Valued No

--serverID {serverID}

Description ID of the server to unregister. Use 'dsframework list-servers' to get a list of server IDs
Required No
Multi-Valued No


Description Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, you will not be prompted and the tool will fail


Description Continue processing even if there are errors